After reading 100 + pages about the mini simms, and several threads on the home depot foam build, I decided that it’s time for me to do both. Last time I bought a blank and got the board glassed somewhere. This time i’m going to do everything from building the blank to glassing. Please feel free to chime in and give pointers, as I’m open to feedback.
First: build the blank.
I bought some EPS at my local Home depot
Unfortunately, the big sheets would not fit in my car and the guy at the store said that they can’t cut it in store so I had to buy a 4 foot piece that is a bit short for my design and I had to add 2 pieces together to get the length I need.
I figured that I had to add support to where the two pieces would fit, so I did what they do in furniture and put pieces of wood in between to hold.
Cut the holes, used elmer’s white glue and then put it together. I used white glue for all the foam, and then some Gorilla glu to put the stringer down to the foam.
The hardest part of this buid was figuring out super creative ways of clamping the foam together. Wood, bungee chords, clamps, a heavy canvas bag filled with weights, Shelves from an ikea book shelf. Anything i can do to keep things flat and constant pressure.
- Peeled off one layer
- use white elmers glue and bond the two pieces together (non covered sides)
- let it dry 2 days
- cut out the braces and cute holes for the 2 pieces together
- use glue in cavities and on the exposed pieces, clamp again and let dry 2 days