#003 6' 2" Doorskin Fish

Thought I’d share a few shots before the glass goes on. Used Lowes eps and doorskins. Feels a bit heavy and I’m guessing it will be right around 8lbs without fins. Without the glass I can barely dent it, so 2oz should do it. I ended up scoring the inside of the skins horizontally in hopes of allowing it to flex. We’ll see. The price was certainly right. I based this off of my second build which was a corky 6’ fish. I pulled and extended the nose, adding more nose rocker in hopes of making it work a bit better on steep takeoffs, and foiled it out.

Still needs a bit of work on the nose.

That looks bada$$! Balsa and cedar rails? Keep the pictures coming!

Yeah that is very cool…and cheap.

Please post photos when its done.

yup luan doorskin is easy but it’s heavy…

decks are harder

Use a strip of bubblewrap to press the center of the deck down as the rails wrap

watch out for water intrusion.

if there’s anything that kills plywood its water.

great job!

I hate to be superficial, but that foil is pleasing to the eye.

Here are a few shots after the glass.

The rails are cork and balsa. I was almost out of balsa and needed a filler. Built up and sanded well and I’m digging the contrast.

All in I’m guestimating it will come in right under $100 not counting fins. We’ll see how it surfs and how heavy it is to make sure I didn’t just make a $100 door stop.

Maybe a corecell deck, doorskin bottom, and blue dow foam rails would give a nice flex but keep the weight down and keep the build on the easier side. The doorskins sure do cut an entire step out of making balsa skins. Bamboo also looks attractive due to the ease, but I’m guessing it will cost a bit more than $9 for a 4x8 sheet.

dude, hang that sucker on the wall…im stunned.

It looks nice, but i bet it will ride better. Doorskin is good stuff.

you wouldn’t think luan would look so damn good but put a little epoxy on it and BAM!

Wow! Great board.

I’m thinking of heading down to the HOme Depot now. That looks great.

I’ve used Poplar bender ply but my source now sells it with the grain going the width. Luan might be the call where light weight is not the main issue.


Thanks guys.

Yeah, I pulled 3 sheets from a stack of 50 after looking for the best grain. The back side is a nice even light redish color that would also look pretty good. We’ll see if the wax stays on this on the way from the car. It’s definitely darker than I initially thought I’d be.

I’ll hand if from the trusty baggage scale after I sand it…

I thought that was the gloss/polish coat !?!?

Nice chunk of Luan

That stuff comes in 2 different thicknesses, doesnt it?

OH! thanks, my wife asked me why I cant make a board for $100,ARRRRRRR!!!

That is the fill coat that I’ll be sanding. It would look better if it were a gloss, but I’m still a rookie and may not have the time or patience to figure it out using epoxy.

I only saw it in one thickness, but I’m sure you can get it as thicker plys.

While the $100 board sits there gleaming a box of balsa showed up, a sheet of corecell miraculously appeared, and a new harbor freight sander came out of the box. All the while my wife is admiring the shiny $100 creation…

she should reward you for your labors

Just an advanced warning…

It ain’t the materials…

The number one hurdle is design

gotta get past that one first

looks like from the crowd reaction you did

A shape like that in PU would’ve been just as nice.

keep it simple

keep it cheap

the more you spend the less the return on your investment with this stuff.

Nice One!

cork and wood always make nice looking and easy to build out rails

just takes alot of tape and time unles you do the offcut clamp thing or rocker table bag press thing

I think we have to thank Paul Jensen for the inspiration

Any ride updates? Beautiful board. I’m thinking about giving this a try. I don’t mind the extra weight. Would you envision any issues with the doorskin in a board with more rocker (i.e. introducing compound bends, as seen in the nose rocker of your board)? Thanks.

board looks great

great effort

but i wouldnt encourage for future projects

luan is a rainforest timber more often then not sourced illegaly

there is no such thing as sustainable rainforests

stick with plantation timbers or ethically sourced wood