13'4" EPS-ridiculously long

New project- build a rediculously long surfboard out of cheap EPS foam. 13’4"

The foam is 1lb. EPS from Home Depot and is 1.5in. thick. Instead of laminating the sheets on top of each other then hotwiring the rocker, the foam is glued up verticaly so there will be glue lines every 1.5in. across the deck of the board. Then the rocker can be cut with a bandsaw. Also, the glue lines should act like mini stringers and will hopefully strengthen the foam.

Did some glue up last night - pics coming soon.

Here’s some pics

the first one shows what the deck of the board will be like with the glue lines. (the drips obviously won’t show when finished) The blue tape was just there to keep the sets of foam from sticking together because the rocker still has to be cut into them. After I cut the rocker I will glue up all the sets and add a 1/4" stringer.

the second pic shows the massive size of this thing, the strips are 8" wide to fit in the rocker and each one is 12" high so the blank will be 24 1/4" x 13 1/2’ when it is all glued up.

A+ for thinking outside the box. Keep us posted.

Have you thought about actual stringers betweent the stacks?

What are all thos odd shaped black things on top of the glue stack?

thanx ryan

Yeah there’s going to be one 1/4" stringer in the middle and I think that should be enough.

Those funny shaped things are weights.

whoa, is that allowed? 13’4 inches? is a permit required? will you have any friends left in the lineup? ha. good luck. I’m just jealous.

Sounds like fun to me :slight_smile:

Building it and surfing it.

I don’t remember who, but someone a couple years ago posted photos of cutting blue XPS and gluing together many sheets like you’re doing. I agree that you’ll get a better handle on rocker that way than by bending the sheets as you glue them together. All those glue lines are going to mess with you as you shape the rails around the nose & tail, though. I’d use a belt sander (very carefully) or you’ll end up scalloped on both ends :slight_smile:

I was thinking of making a board similar to yours out of EPS for stand up paddling and crowded summer days, looks awesome


I beg to differ regarding the title of this thread. . . . 13’4" is a very functional and sensible length for a a surfboard !

What’s the planshape going to look like ?


Can we see a photo of you riding your 17’ers , with your nice new [avatar photo] mask on , please , Roytom ? [the “phantom of the logera” special …]

cheers ,



Sounds like fun to me :slight_smile:

Building it and surfing it.

I don’t remember who, but someone a couple years ago posted photos of cutting blue XPS and gluing together many sheets like you’re doing. I agree that you’ll get a better handle on rocker that way than by bending the sheets as you glue them together. All those glue lines are going to mess with you as you shape the rails around the nose & tail, though. I’d use a belt sander (very carefully) or you’ll end up scalloped on both ends :slight_smile:

here’s Gary’s one …it’s for sale , too …
