1970s skate board designs

I’ve seen it when one of the shop emps took me there in search of wind, a new two in each direction blacktop that begged to be ridden.

But that’s 23 miles from my house, I’ve gotten old and fear big crashes on pavement, and here in Berkeley, there’s plenty of really rough steep windy roads to conquer if I was man enough to be up for the challenge.

My idea of skateboarding nowadays is downhill transport after breakfast with a trick deck, Indies set loose, and scooter 78cm wheels…at about joggin speeds.

have one in decent condition(used as a trailer support in a garage for 20 years) it’s tiny some one i talked to who say it and knew about the 70’s board said it was state of the art trucks and wheels, thank you uncle. we had a pink one like it but that has disappeared.

hearing you mention ‘pink’ , reminded me of the horror moulded plastic banana yellow decks [“Grentec” ?? I think they might have been ?] which , as was commented earlier, were waaay too short and narrow to really be able to do anything on !

(So, thank goodness for Wes Humpston , Jim Muir , wider trucks , sealed ball bearings , urethane wheels, and the pool riding brigade …)

here’s a quiver , c 1977? [“Dogtown Skates”… Wes Humpston designs] …Herb Spitzer , are you lurking ?? I’d like to hear YOUR take on the 70s skate designs…

yeah they were the super narrow boards my uncle who’s board it was supposedly used to bomb hills doing handstands on em.

What, like this…

No wonder I’ve got a crook AC Joint!!!

Alva has a 70’s deck out, one of those skinny ass things like in dogtown dvd that you see them riding the banks and stuff with.

OK I just found these in the State Library Archives, some bit$h I worked with threw out my old cuttings so I scored these from microfich, sneaked the work digcam in so I didn’t have to pay for crappy photocopying…my times have changed, I used to be really fit then too…

1978 dig those trucks and fats on the back, awesome stuff…

1979, I think the reporter used some journalistic license, I was never a NSW champ…Just lived there for a while…

I used to organise the WA Skateboard Championships in both these years, raising money for Telethon, sick kids etc, built the first 1/4 pipe in the state 12’ high, top fun too.

Definitely front page news back then…

Good to see nothings changed, Farmers waiting for rain, Airfares going up, Drug carrying planes, Shares booming…

Thats SO cool Hicksy!!!

On the
topic of 70s boards, I was thinking there might be someone here who could actually
answer a question I’ve been wondering about for a while.

 I recently did my best to duplicate my board from ~77, a Haut
Lamaflex, Kevin Niccoli model. (To answer the original posted question, it was about 30" long, 8.5" wide, flat deck, but had some rocker and a mild kicktail).


It was a great board and set-up, turned
like a dream and was really stable at the middling speeds I approached.

had narrow, square truck hangers like on the Flite, but I don’t think
they were Bennett.

Does anyone know what trucks might have been around back then that would match that description? They were great.


Put a 1/4" -  3/8" block under each truck, that will give you more turn and stop wheel bite.

tried the sand idea and grounded down edges by the wheels so they dont bite. Hopefully this will help me stop fallin which is really hard to do in this board.

people at school call it sketch

does anyone know how they used the roller skates on their boards?

by cutting the rollerskate's plate in half,transverse............creating two separate axles


.................all you need is one side/shoe,not both skates unless you were building two skateboards ........whether it be a shoe/boot or outdoor step-in ajustable type rollerskate


..................then it's attaching to a board...............thus skateboarding was born.

my dad did it back in the 1930's.


haha im gonna try that out.
it'll probably hurt though.

'78 Sims Pure Juice w/ tracker trucks and Sims Snake II’s

I gave up my skateboard at 18 as a rite of passage into adulthood.

But before I did in 75’ I towed at 65mph and out skated J Riddle at Paul Revere H.S.(Brentwood)  and a whole host of others.

Paul Revere H.S. is about as much fun you can have on a skateboard.

Cadillac wheels and woodshop made wooden top.

you guys should see my collection of oldies and customs..................very top shelf.



is there any way to make trucks from scratch?

here's some parts from the 70s