Hey I’ve had this 8’0 becker pintail forever and was wondering if its worth anything. Usually I just loan it out to new surfers. It’s a three fin glass on, pintail but kind of a funshape (but pointier nose) two red stripes down the deck, heavy glassjob. And pretty beat to hell and yellowed. I don’t have room for it, never use it, and was just going to give it away unless its worth something. I don’t have a pic, but didn’t want to sacrifice it to the rocks inside of doheny for some grom if it’s of value to any collectors.
Its worth about as much as a 1970’s table napkin w/ insignia from McDonalds.
additionally , Becker is one of the most prolific shapers of his/this time.
Oh, if it were cherry…NOT! sell it for whateva!