#2---epoxy log

Just finished my second board. its a 9’2, 3 inch thick log. Its a bit of a dog, but i planned it that way. Its got 3 layers of 6 oz on the deck, with a knee patch on top of that, and two layers on the bottom. its still suprisingly light. its 2.5 lb eps foam.

the eps was good to shape, a little chippy, and not as fun as regular surfboard foam.

I learned a lot more about sanding and glassing this time around. I cant believe backyard shapers shape surfboard blanks and don’t glass them! thats 3 quarters of the battle. My glassing is still a little bubbly, but this epoxy is hard as a rock. The stuff was a pleasure to work with. No smell, a long work time. i used resin research. I couldn’t have imagined doing this without a big heavy sander. it would have taken years.

I also learned that it’s way more fun to surf one of my shitty surfboards then to surf one shaped by somebody else that works and looks way better. i’ve had it out in two waist to chest (almost) high sessions, and it rode good. its a little loose and slippery when i push a turn with my foot over the fin ,but it noserides just as good as my other boards.

Thanks for all of your help, swaylocks brothers and sisters.

i can’t post a pic, because its too large! maybe ill figure it out later. i dont know how to resize pics.


Download and install the program.

Open the image.

Go to Image > Scale Image and reduce the size.

Save it (make sure you save as a JPEG (or TIF if so inclined) and not an XCF (XCF is a GIMP project file - great to stop half way through editing, not good for posting images online).

Gimp is basically like photoshop, but totally free. Perfectly capable bit of software.

Its got 3 layers of 6 oz on the deck, with a knee patch on top of that, and two layers on the bottom. its still suprisingly light. its 2.5 lb eps foam.

That sounds good and strong. Email me the photos and I’ll see what I can do.



I learned a lot more about sanding and glassing this time around. I cant believe backyard shapers shape surfboard blanks and don’t glass them! thats 3 quarters of the battle.

Shaping is just foreplay, glassing is when it get’s dirty.

glassing and sanding is hard work, and very much integral to the shape . . . I can see why glass factories charge $300 a board . . . anycase like Byron was saying . . . they need glassers . . .

Glassing is so humbling to me. No matter how careful I am, I seem to end up unprepared somehow. Learning though!

I am internet dumb, but this works for me to post images:

  • go to www.photobucket.com
  • start a free account
  • choose which pics to upload
  • after the upload, copy the image location (ctrl + c)
  • start a post on Sway, and click the image button in the upper right
  • paste (ctrl + v) image location in the "Image Location" part

tryin to get the pics up. thanks for the info, im workin it out!


Congrat’s on the board. Looks pretty good. Like the lam.

I’ve got a couple questions if you don’t mind. Which RR did you use, which hardener, and what was the temp when you were using it?



tHANKS John for putting the pics up. I owe you one!

i used the RR2000 with the fast hardener, same brand. I also used a little but of cure accelerator for the second hotcoat at the end. but i didn’t need it. Temp wise, it was pretty cool out, probably like 60. maybe a little cooler. glassed it at night, hard as a rock in the am. I didn’t have any problems with it not getting hard. and mixing it was easy. I wasn’t even that careful, just mixed it up and threw it on there, after calling soulstice 5 times, of course. using it was great. no smell, felt so clean. the whole process was just way cleaner. it didn’t really feel like you were working with poison. Not that you should take a bath in the stuff, but you know…

A report:

I have ridden it for the last 8 days, in surf up to chest high. Its a lot

like my friends 65 hansen competitor, except for the tail shape. its got

a solid 1.5 iches of belly thourghout the whole thing, even in the nose. I

shaped the hansen belly into it. and i can hang 10 on it really really

well. and crank pivots.

Its funny. my friend rode it the other day, and he said he loved it. hes

not much of a longboarder. He said it felt “high performance”. This is

due to the new school materials. This board is as un-high performance as

they come. Its got so much glass on it. I lost it yesterday at super

high tide, to the rocks. She hit them as hard as she could of, and my

double 10 oz volan hunt would have definetly had some battle scars.

Absolutley NOTHING happened to this board. Its so fucking solid. its

also really light, and stiff.

It doesn’t sit in the water as low cuz it’s light. so to make a more

traditional feeling log with epoxy and eps, my equation says add more

belly. i just hate flat bottom bounce–it doesnt work for cross steppin.

The only way i want to make sections when riding a big board is by

walking. Gliding like a pelican-so its a glider, just a new style of

glider. it doesn’t feel like a poly log, its not as flexy, and its not as

smooth. but the design is the same, and it works great, it’s just

different. I don’t ever see a reason for using poly again.

I really love belly though. i think its so great for longboarding. man i

love this board! im taking it to new york and leaving it there. guess ill

have to shape another. It doesn’t look very pretty, but i can ride it

just as well as my other boards shaped by pros. It works all the same.


Love it!

nice board dude,

have fun.

What wrong with my surfing boards?

Shit yeah, p516! This thread gives me courage like bull to slop epoxy bath onto my belly!

So the nose is bellied too?

I would like to see that bellied nose of yours if you can manage that

Super good to see and read all this


Hey janklow, ill try to get a pic of the nose. it might be hard though because my digital cammy is screwed up. I put belly in it to cut through whatever was on teh surface when iw as noseriding. I know greg hunt throws belly in the nose sometimes, as does jim phillips. So it’s inspired by them. I actually like it way more than concave. you need a little more of a section to noseride, its got to be a little more in the pocket, but once its in the pocket you can get 10 much easier. At least thats what I have found.

thanks for the words!