Just finished my second board. its a 9’2, 3 inch thick log. Its a bit of a dog, but i planned it that way. Its got 3 layers of 6 oz on the deck, with a knee patch on top of that, and two layers on the bottom. its still suprisingly light. its 2.5 lb eps foam.
the eps was good to shape, a little chippy, and not as fun as regular surfboard foam.
I learned a lot more about sanding and glassing this time around. I cant believe backyard shapers shape surfboard blanks and don’t glass them! thats 3 quarters of the battle. My glassing is still a little bubbly, but this epoxy is hard as a rock. The stuff was a pleasure to work with. No smell, a long work time. i used resin research. I couldn’t have imagined doing this without a big heavy sander. it would have taken years.
I also learned that it’s way more fun to surf one of my shitty surfboards then to surf one shaped by somebody else that works and looks way better. i’ve had it out in two waist to chest (almost) high sessions, and it rode good. its a little loose and slippery when i push a turn with my foot over the fin ,but it noserides just as good as my other boards.
Thanks for all of your help, swaylocks brothers and sisters.
i can’t post a pic, because its too large! maybe ill figure it out later. i dont know how to resize pics.