2 part foam urethane question

Does anyone know how to slow the reaction time down of the 2 part foam urethane? its a 1:1 ratio.

If you are referring to spray urethane, you can get different speed thinners.

Glad it’s you spraying and not me. Hope you got all the health gear on.

sorry wildy… did a quick edit to add the word foam in…

Dave, I’ve only mixed a little bit of that stuff. Only thing I could suggest is to cool it down before you use it.


You are correct. Cooling the parts, prior to mixing, will slow the reaction time.

Great idea - I have never tried cooling the stuff. That leads me to off-shoot questions.

Those that have done the cooling trick – When it reacts slower does it setup any denser? Does it generate less air pockets?

I have a tiny bit left over - maybe Ill try a room temp bacth and cooled batch to see if I can tell a difference.

Thanks in advance,


I used a lot of the two-part foam this summer to repair a board. The stuff does go off pretty fast and the only thing I know that slows it down is lower temerpature. Its a lot slower at 65 rather than 85 (60 seconds vs 20-30). I am not sure about the resultant density vs temperature. However, my local Tap Plastics store has on display two pieces: one that was hand mixed and one that was machine mixed. The machine mixed sample was much more uniform. The hand mixed sample gets voids or pockets in it. For small amounts, I don’t know how you would get the stuff in and out of a machine mixer before it goes off. Also the resltant desnity depends on how well you confine the stuff when it goes-off. It comes out better if it is confined (leave a small vent hole).

dave it looks like your wasting your time whith that shit

I’ve used that stuff plenty. My best results are first cooling it. Then mixing it around 52-55% part a. Last add pressure after the pour. You can use saran wrap so not to get it all over yourself and stuff.

thanks for your help guys… i fridged it last night and got a minute more this morning…