2011 Hollow Surfboard Workshops


Upcoming Workshops

Five Day - Build Your Own Board Workshop


Wednesday, June 15 to Sunday, June 19, 2011 in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada


This class will have up to ten participants build their own boards and at the end of the class the boards will be ready for glassing.


Tuition is $800 USD per person, with materials extra, typically around $50 per foot of board length.


A "How to Build a Hollow Surfboard” CD ($100 value) and a Frame Kit of your choice ($200 value) will be included in the cost of the class.


Surrey, B.C. is about 10 miles north of the Blaine, WA, USA border crossing.


What’s NOT included:  Food and lodging.  


Booking deposits of $100 are required.



Early planning is underway for a Five Day - Build Your Own Board Workshop. Monday, August 15 to Friday, August 19, 2011 in Easthampton, MA



Early planning is underway for a workshop at Pitojat Island, Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. http://www.togatnusaretreat.com/




If you are interested in being a part of these workshops go to: 

www.hollowsurfboards.com/classes or e-mail me at hollosurfboards@comcast.net




Paul you should post this on: coastalbc.com if you are hoping to appeal to the Canadians.

