Hello to u all…
after a satisfying first shaped board : http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/help-needed-first-shape-attempt?page=1 , had a blast this summer with this thing. but summer is well over now and i am ready for another “adventure”.
Last time i got in the water with this, the waves were about chest high and not really clean, and i had some problems controlling it. Sometimes when i got out of the bottom turn the board just went flying over, leaving my ass behing haha.
So i am in need of a winter board now. Because of work i can only surf on weekends , so … i want to keep a thick board for not paddling a lot. I guess i’ll keep the rocker of first one, it has an easy entry on the wave, in fact had some jealous comments on one day that shortboard people were struggling and i was catching all i wanted ( it was under chest high, bit hollow ).
Here i surf beach break mostly, a bit fast and closeout sometimes, rarely point break.
For getting more control on this board i was thinking of a type-fish board with round tail , closing the tail and nose a bit and using a quad configuration. Am i thinking wrong?
Being able to rider head high waves with some confidence , drawing large curves ( cutbacks) is my goal.
Something on the lines of this?
this seems like a fun board too :
or this :
So brainstorm away… advise me, shoot some experiences and examples… i am doing this for me and for the fun i had when riding my first one and also for the learning :). Thanks in advance!