4 Blanks and don't Know what to do...

Hello All,

I haven’t been on a board in 10 years and I want to start up again. I live here in Anaheim Ca. I just made a trade for 4 blanks. I have my choice on sizes from 6’ 3 to 7’ 4. These are Poly Eurathene closed cell foam from

Australia… does not mean much to me but might to you. I traded for 4 of these because I figure if I get online I can get the info on how to shape and glass and I might get one good board out of 4 tries. Now I have a wide format computer printer that can do banners or posters 40" wide by 100 feet long so I figure I might be able to print a pretty good templet, but like I said I will probably get only 1 good board if I am lucky out of the 4 blanks. Is it possible that someone that knows how to shape and glass might be willing to take 3 blanks and shape and glass … just make me a board for myself. and if this is not a good deal can you all point me to the shaping for dummys online video by video, a videos?

I just want to get in the water and start having fun again.



TheWord, I’d say skip the computer copy printout gig and start off by making your own templates to get a eye for curves and lines. start here!


even if you print the templates

you still have to cut them and true them by eye

so download this program to improve your sucess rate

APS 3000

well boyo have you ever come to the right place.

sit back and ready yourself for the real people to show

you may wish to post in anouncements or sway bay

if you wanna trade barter for a new board in trade for two blanx…

some body might bite although three blanks is a little short of the mark for a well made/finished board you might wanna up the ante a bit to attract

higher craft aquity.

for a performance board or lightweight three blanx would do it if the foam was not sketchy…

the manufacturers vary in australian blanx.

you can go get a kit from foamez to glaasss em

that may be the best bet ,make all three yourself and share the fun of building and the joy of riding with some deprived neighbor

form a clubbe and get somebody else to front some materials money for part ownership and share the woik load.

alas If only we were all there to help ya tomorrow morning

hey you could attend in sandiego if keith has another meeting

or hold a board make at your place and whoa tere’s an idea!..

maybe the ghost of bob simmons would wander by once the resin started smelling up the neighboorhood…


panning for gold

sand in the water

swish ithe water and sand arround for a while

flowing the lighter grains of sand over the top

and when you see color…you de manno…

Ha ha thats awesome…

A perfect greeting to start your new swaylocks obsession.

Don’t worry, you’ll realise you’re hooked in a week or two…

Some quick helpful replies, some mighty fine lingually dextrous cryptic prose from ambrose (actually, I understood all of that post!), you’ve got the swaylocks feeling goin on already!

Although, no-one has given the usual reprimand to “check the archives” the boys must be slipping!

Shape them yourself! Do it! An report back with photos, thoughts, etc, then go buy some more blanks.

But remember to pay attention to your wife, being ‘laminated’ to the computer at every waking moment is not healthy for your marriage…



… the boys must be slipping!

…on the bad slope?


Thanks for the linky I am going to check it out and get all I can from it. They say knowledge is power.

Silly: I am looking across the site and cant seem to find the software do you by chance have the linky?

Ambrose: Thanks for the encourange ment. I bet your misunderstood by a few people here but its a good thing. I will see if I can trade 3 blanks for one board and see if I can watch to learn before actually going it by myself with the ghost of the Swaylockers helping me :o) and I will contact the spirit world and see when old Bob is avialible…

KK Surf: If I can not find some Obey Wan Shaper to hook me up with his Jedi Skills then I will have to use the Swaylock Force and find the Shapper within myself.

Thank you all for the imput and any linkys you think I will need. Looks like I found a good bunch of people. I will try not to run anyone over as I learn to turn the board again…

Dave / TheWord www.TheWord4.us

I will have to use the Swaylock’s Zen, Within to manafest a Shape Desireable to My Minds Eyes.

where are you based there is no location in the profile

I live in Anahiem CA.

Dave / TheWord


aneheim pa.and

aneheim checkosovak

are way too far from the beach.

right over there in the yard…

shaping stands

it wont rain for another couple weeks…


is that a police surveilance chopper over head?