#4 finished, 5'10" fish

EPS and epoxy, 5’10" x 20.5 x 2 3/4.

Id like to thanks everyone who answered my questions haha, some were retarded.

Overall, pleased with the result, lobox so far has been the best system for install in my opinon. It was so easy!

The hotcoat didn’t finish as nice as i would like, with a few pits for some reason? but there is

always next time to fix that.


-if the pics don’t work ill try again.

If you had dainippon written across the board it would be complete.

Is the logo a wood inlay? I like it. Also, is it finished/glossed/sealed in acrylic?


Hey, yeah the logo is 1/16" balsa inlayed into the foam. I glossed/second hotcoat with epoxy, sanded to 1500, then sprayed with acrylic.