Any design advice for a 5’4" shortboard that I am building for a 9 year old girl? I haven’t tackled a board this size yet and I am trying to zero in on good widepoint, nose and tail width. I’ve decided to make it a bit ‘hippy’ and move the wide point back to allow the little arms to paddle but something just doesn’t seem right with my outline. Any proven dimesions would be appreciated so I can check against my design and ensure that the little one continues to be stoked.
…basically in these shorts lengths, the outline curvature its a problem to do it well. I assume that youll go “mechanically”…but its really better to do it digitally (use any vector design programs)…so, you need a smooth flexible long bar to achieve a good outline in these lengths. i mean, the curve problem is in the board ´first 1/3 (when you move the bar from the tip of the nose to the middle…)
…dimensions…well, one important thing is that shes a girl… the back foot is where the planshape will focus… lesser tail area than a boys board…
…if its a thruster shortboard: can be: 10 1/2 X 17 1/2 X 13
Thanks Reverb for the input. Yes it is all mechanical at this point. I’d like to embrace technology as you mentioned with the vector design but I’m enjoying learning the ropes now with just my hands an brain. Out of curiosty, once designed in the program do you manage to ‘print’ the outline and then use this printout as your template on the blank? I’m very interested in what equipment and methodologies you use. Until then I am very excited with the following product for which I am anticipating will assist with drawing the planshape ‘mechanically’:
I’ve found out that longer lengths are available directly from the manufacturer. Anyhow, this was my technology jump and for now I’m excited. I’m sure once I hear about or research your method I’ll be soon experimenting.
Any design advice for a 5’4" shortboard that I am building for a 9 year old girl?
I just started on a 5’5" disk for my nine year old daughter. We just cut half the planshape out this evening. Wide point [~19"] looks to be right at center… maybe a little forward. I’m still tuning up the half planshape. Once I dial that in, I’ll transfer it over to the other side.
BTW, we’re using a Clark 6’0"R superlight blank and it will be a single fin. Glassing will be 4/4,4-patch to keep it as light as possible.
Good luck and I’ll try to post some images of our effort.
…yes printout template is a good option, but you still have to cut it…
…the best way yes the best way,(if you search the archives youll find a lot of threads that i wrote that this is the best way…) is: design in a program, then cut through a CNC router.