I’ve read just about everything I can find on mini/middie threads and I keep seeing a common theme of loosening up the board by pulling in the tail. I made a template and wondering how to pull in the tail correctly. My guess is to trace out the template as is then, mark at the 12" from the tail and redraw from the midpoint?
Lastly, is there an optimal distance to pulling in the tail on this shape? An inch? Two inches? Oh ya, I’d like to use a more MR type fin at 10" from tail and say an 1 1/4" from the rail. Perhaps a wing would solve the problem?
You’re talking about tightening the tail up - adding more control. Another way to do that is to add some curve into the tail section. Or a combination of a wing or bump plus curve. Or a wing plus an angled straight line to the narrower tail block like the MR template does. How much more control you add is dependent on how you want to surf the board.
The typical Simm design has long-based keels with the trailing edges at ~3" forward of the tail. Just using narrower based fins and moving them forward will already add more control, albeit at the expense of drive.
I have a 6’ 2" Mini Simm that I placed the fins at 3.5" from the tail and use the FCS MR twins fins and I couldn’t be happier with it. 10 inches up from the tail seems way too much. My board is 14" across the tail & with the fins at 3.5" & believe me it is plenty loose.
That fin placement makes sense. At 10" from the tail it seems like it becomes more of a twin as opposed to the Simmons trip. 3 1/2" sounds good. How far in from the rail? An inch? I plan to use glass on fins. Perhaps I should stick to the more keel-like fins for the full effect.
Mine were set a 3.5" to the trailing edge, 1 1/8" off the rail with a 1/8th inch toe and 4 degree cant. That doesn’t mean it will work for your board. If you post a pic of the shape, I’m sure people way more qualified will chip in with solid advice. I’m a hack, but these figures worked out nice for my board. If you’re unsure of correct placement, maybe try the ProBox fin system, that way you can move the fins up or back and change the cant until you find the sweet spot.
Simm variant by Joe Baugess. Wing + quad/thruster setup, most likely for high aspect fins. I would guess the placement is somewhere around 6"/12" at the trailing edges for the quads, and maybe 2" on the buttcrack.
Maybe its the pic, but it looks like he’s got some vee going on here.
How funny… My research adventures took me to the Joe B website this morning for the first time and I saw the two boards you posted and I think they’re pretty bitchin. You’re right, that longer shape is what I had in mind. I like the rail shape on the deck. Looks cool with the fluted wings. That quad setup is definitely on my radar after I make a couple more boards!
USUALLY most people who put wings on twins or quads put the wing at or slightly behind the trailing edge of the mains. The Hydrodynamica Simms had a version they were calling the Simster, but they’re using a pair of short single foiled keels and a small trailer. In my layperson’s opinion, with all the surface area of these tails you either need to run twins way back or use a trailer or quad rears to keep it under control.