7'11 Balsa Jensen King fish

Just finished my 7’11 Paul Jensen Kingfish. I used a template that Paul Jensen came up with as well as his methodology. The planks are1/4 in Balsa laminated on the inside with 4 oz e cloth The outside is 4 oz e cloth using rr epoxy. I won’t get to surf it for another week unfortunately but can’t wait. this Forum helped me tremendously especially with the quad fin placement and glassing. here are the numbers.

Length: 7’11

Nose : 17.25

Wide :24.5

tail: 18.25

Tips: 13

Nose Rocker: 4.5

Tail Rocker : 1.5

Thickness : 3

Weight : 12.75

Nice one,

that looks killer!

Are your rails cork and ply laminated?

I take it the weight 12.75 is kilos not pounds.

I’ll post some shots of my present project (5’10" hollow wooden fish) as I progress, I’ve nearly finished the wood-work ready for building the rails out, looking for alternative ways of doing this if you’ve any suggestions other than balsa.

No its 12.75 lbs. The inside frame is made of 1/8 inch luan plywood. the planks are 1/4 balsa. The rails are balsa. laminated together with contact cement. the Cork is only for looks. Its mainly balsa underneath. Check out Paul jensens sight he does the rails in cork and bending ply. If you want the cork for the rails do a search for underlayment to find cheap cork.


came out killer!

nice fins too :wink:

very nice work mate. now for a ride report please.

The Baltic birch fins were made by pointconceptsurf they look awesome with the board.