Thanks to Magoo for showing up to my home yesterday.Maybe you learned something that you can use in your own “pit”…Hope you and your family can make the “Foam and Glass” annual barbie today at 16/Bolsa Chica.It will be a great time, lots of friends and there families to zoo out the beach…Make good use of those Chargers,If you put them in take the “test”…I Hope my daughter,“Keiani” didn’t freak out your wife to much!She’s a fearless one that girl! well, I got to go pack-up the wild bunch,and head to the beach,happy building!..Herb.

Thanks to Magoo for showing up to my home yesterday.Maybe you learned > something that you can use in your own > “pit”…Hope you and your family can make the > “Foam and Glass” annual barbie today at 16/Bolsa Chica.It will > be a great time, lots of friends and there families to zoo out the > beach…Make good use of those Chargers,If you put > them in take the “test”…I Hope my > daughter,“Keiani” didn’t freak out your wife to much!She’s a > fearless one that girl! well, I got to go pack-up the wild bunch,and head > to the beach,happy building!..Herb. Herb, Your elecronic impression does nothing to show how gracious you truly are. For the record: Herb is a great guy! Anyone that sees my pack of Rug Rats plowin’ out of my ride and doesn’t bat an eye is special person. I’m getting grey hairs just thinking of the stunts my offspring try to pull! Since this is a public conversation let me make sure everyone knows just how much of the Aloha spirit you have. My wife and kids really thought your daughters were real fun and cute. I trust everyone had good time at 16 today, but I hit HB around 5:45 a.m. and didn’t get home untill 4:30 p.m. The swell was great and the only reason I stopped was because I started cramping up! E-Mail me so we can hook up and discuss that other issue. Later, Magoo

Herb, Your elecronic impression does nothing to show how gracious you > truly are.>>> For the record: Herb is a great guy! Anyone that sees my pack of Rug Rats > plowin’ out of my ride and doesn’t bat an eye is special person. I’m > getting grey hairs just thinking of the stunts my offspring try to pull! > Since this is a public conversation let me make sure everyone knows just > how much of the Aloha spirit you have. My wife and kids really thought > your daughters were real fun and cute. I trust everyone had good time at > 16 today, but I hit HB around 5:45 a.m. and didn’t get home untill 4:30 > p.m. The swell was great and the only reason I stopped was because I > started cramping up! E-Mail me so we can hook up and discuss that other > issue. Later, Magoo Kook longboarders stymed the beach as usual Keep your hotdogs and burgers and keep your kook longboarders home too! Herb where was your brother heard he couldn’t make it! Such a kook!

I see you’ve Been dipping into the MUSH-ROOMS again.