a build project inspired by show us your mini simm

Hi i am new to this back yard board building game and very keen to learn and improve.

I have recycled a few boards and so far and done only two new blanks, but this is my latest project.

inspired from the thread show us your mini simmions.

this old mal had seen better days.

So i got the glass off this board, which has been creased twice in the section i am using and snapped 5 feet from nose

so what is the best way to fill small indents in the old foam? I have used a multi purpose filla before any other recomendations?

i plan on making to Red Ceader keel fins about 8" by 5" do i foil both sides of the keel fins or only the out side?

It is shaping up to be 5,0.20.21/4? not much thickness in front of the old girl at all.  

also going for a very slight hull up front (no foam) with the deep single concave out the back.

Thanks for any advice, will have more photos soon 

(photo resized by moderator)

[img_assist|nid=1074289|title=minisimmions outline 5.0 collarge|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=67|height=100] A few pics of the outline with rails


There ya go…fixed that for you.

With regards to filing the dents: If I were doing this, I would shape the board first, then use the light weight spackle to fill the remaining holes as neatly as possible so that there is no more sanding required. If you sand the filler next to foam, you will find that a trough will form in the foam around the filler. So avoid this!