a different perspective on placing fins

i’m making a 6’3" with a quad set up, and a 7.5 inch finbox for a 2+1 setup. i was asking a shaper here his advice on where to place the plugs. his answer was intriguing and different from the research i did on swaylocks.

he said he places the forward set of fins around 1 1/4 " from the rail to the trailing edge. but the rear set he considers the width of the tail and decides how much space he wants between them, not referenced off the rail. for my board 16" tail he suggested placeing the rear fins trailing edge 6 1/4" apart. he gets the best feedback from riders with that setup.

that’s twice the distance from the rail as anything i read suggested on sway’s. what do you all think? anyone like the trailing quad fins close together?

cheers, nicholas

found this: http://www.swaylocks.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=215214;search_string=distance%20between%20rear%20fins;#215214

the only reference to rear quad fin placement specifically i’ve found so far.


cheers, nicholas

it’ll ride more like a thruster, and less like a “speed dialer” type quad with those kind of fins placements.

McKee, who’s been working on multifinned boards for years, sets his back fins according to the space between them rather than placement from the rail; http://www.mckeesurf.com/brucemckee/multisystem.htm

there’s alot of different ways to skin the cat. If I were you, I’d just make sure that you get either Lokbox, 4WFS or Probox in there so that you have a degree of adjustability in terms of placement…what works for others might not work for you. Experimenting is half the fun. Get yourself a good quiver of fins and play. Took me about 5 sessions to dial in a fin set-up that worked for me.

Pulling the rear fins closer to center allows the board to drive vertical on the wave. It is less side-to-side as a typical quad.

Am I making sense here? Check out the fin placement at www.sdsurfboards.com.
