Here’s some of the boards I’ve made since relocating to aus. Shown here in order:
6’0" quad fish
8’0" snub nose performance mid length
5’10" snub nose arc tailed quad
6’0" single fin
6’4" twin fin pin
its been a great move and well worth the effort to surf this warm water almost daily!
cheers rich
Nice Rich !
you going to make it down to the fish fry this year. its on the 22nd of novemeber ?? Ill probably try make a couple boards to bring down
Yes I’ll hopefully be there zac. Would be great to catch up for a chat. I’d love to see your boards.
September 26, 2014, 3:18am
cheers for posting those , Rich !
besides the yellow ‘twin pin’, are any of the others your personal boards ?
… if not , can you post shots of THEM , too, please ?
[ just to give me an idea for which fins …]
cheers mate !
I like the second one! sweet!
Just about to make another one of those a lttle shorter for a guy in Adelaide. Will let you know how it goes. Here’s a pic of the one above being ridden by my mate at green island.
September 30, 2014, 12:40am
…where do they have that in sydney Zac ??