A Free Simple Cad Template Program

I will be programming a free simple program to build outline, rocker, concave and rail templates for those of you who wish to be able to print full templates on a standard printer.

If anyone has any ideas for this program please let me know.

I would make this as expandable as possible and user friendly.

my ideas are my ideas, and it would help to have others.

I have already built a simple program for templates but it is very crude and does not do prints, so I plan this on being my first full scale public program for surfboard cad.

email is:


I will be programming a free simple program to build outline, rocker, concave and rail templates for those of you who wish to be able to print full templates on a standard printer.

If anyone has any ideas for this program please let me know.

I would make this as expandable as possible and user friendly.

my ideas are my ideas, and it would help to have others.

I have already built a simple program for templates but it is very crude and does not do prints, so I plan this on being my first full scale public program for surfboard cad.

email is: xxgopherxx_1999@yahoo.com


I was wondering if we would ever have access to a simple program like you just mentioned.

I think if you write the program and submit it to the people on Swaylocks you can get alot of feedback and input on the program as well as working out the bugs…

i’d be happy to test out the beta version for ya!

i’ll love to by a betatester too… good work!


At present I use the free version of shape 3d but alas it does not print or save files. You can get some ideas from that its on the net to down load http://www.shape3d.com/. I would love to test your version out.

I use Rhino3d in combination with autocad to make spin templates. Rhino is good because you can use a photo of the board you want to make a template of (as long as the photo is taken from the right angle, perpendicular to the deck, so that it is as straight as possible) and copy the outline. Them you can scale the outline in several directions until it has the same specs as the outline of the original board. The only trouble is you can not print correctly in rhino, ence the autocad.

Maybe this would be a cool feature for your program.

You can see rhino at http://www.rhino3d.com

Thanks, I was not thinking about producing templates from pictures, it is a good way to replicate a board though. I am going to release one of my first template builders in the mean time until i finish with the “Simple Template Builder” I plan on releasing the first version in the next few days. just keep posted to find out when it comes. Please if anyone else has anymore ideas let me know, I dont want to leave anything out.

I plan on putting some time and effort in to the final release.