a la Tom Curren

…today in the wshop was a debate about if its possible to surf a la Tom Curren (conecting all the maneouvers, flowing, rounded, powerful, effortless, stylish, etc) with a grommet shortboard (ranges: 5 5 - 5 8_ 17 1/2 - 18_1 7/8 - 2 1/8 thruster)

in average waist to head high BUT NOT CLEAN conditions

some talked about more fins area, thickness and position others about more rounded outline, etc

I like to know your opinions


Tom Curren can surf like that riding a toilet seat. Have you ever seen his ‘quiver’? Mostly junk. It isn’t the board, my friend.

…well I said something like that

however in my opinion is more difficult that “style” of surfing on a shortboard without volume

so the chat derived in those aspects

I always got the impression that Tom Curren let’s his board do most of the work where as someone like Kelly Slater forces everything too much to have that same flowing style.