Just got a greenlight surfboard building kit for christmas. Has been a blast so far for my first attempt to shape and glass a board. My problem is that i’m at the stage to begin glassing and i just noticed the caps to my RR epoxy resin bottles are chipped and the epoxy is rock hard in there. Is this normal? Do I attempt to heat it up to make it workable? I don’t know much about this stuff so I don’t want to blow up my kitchen like i’m cooking meth or something. Please help me out.
This time of year, the resin will solidify. Bring it inside for a few days and put it in a warm place. It will begin to loosen up. You can squeeze out the approximate amount into a bucket and warm it in the microwave, or set the bottle in a bucket of hot water. Just DO NOT GET ANY WATER IN THE RESIN. If the caps are compromised, don’t put the bottle in the microwave, get it out and put it into a smaller bucket and gently warm for 15-30 seconds at a time, stirring between zaps. I’ve used this method for years. No problem.
Are you talking about in the cap itself? I only ask because I know that Greenlight glues the caps onto the resin bottles pretty heavily for shipping. That white gunk in and around the caps is not epoxy. Clean that stuff off though so it doesn't end up in the resin or hardner and clog your pumps. Unless the resin is sitting in a freezer or outside in freezing temps, it should not be rock hard.
Thanks a lot guys. Really appreciate how fast you responded. I’m itching to do this thang!
Not sure if this makes a difference but from what I have read you probably want to make sure you get the entire bottle of epoxy to go to a liquid state and then mix real good to get all the solids mixed back in.
Epoxy has been indoors in about 70 f . No significant change in the epoxy yet. In Malibu now so going to check when I get back North on any changes. If it has not changed, the next step is to do a warm/hot water bath to try to loosen it up. At this point there is no possible way to get the pump in the bottle. Hopefully that works. Any shops in the North bay carry epoxy?