Okay, so here’s the deal (I’m gonna try to make this as short as possible).
Maybe some of you remember my first build from last September, a 5’8 fish that I glassed with Solarez. The board has been used a few times since last Septemeber, and has worked wonderfully, although its appearances leave some wanting.
Not too worried about the top, at the moment, as it is covered in wax, but the bottom has recevied a few speedbumps from a wild tent pole (long story) and in general, it bumpy and streaky and just… not pretty.
I took to it today with my sander loaded with 150, and (maybe some of you ALSO remeber) that my sander just did not enjoy being flat on the board, meaning it hopped and pushed the board and just wasnt doing its job. Not to mention, the paper got clogged super quickly, which is a pain.
When I did the hot coat, I added SA, but I kinda just winged it (I get too excited in these situations). Not sure if it was too much or too little.
Question is, which is it?
I patched the holes up and more serious bumps from last fall, and i’m planning on doing another hot coat on top, this time with premixed uv cure stuff. Is that gonna work? What is a boy to do? I want to make this board perttier and more surfable and improve technique (obviously).
I still have my shortboard from last fall to do, too. Gonna take my time glassing, no colors or anyhting. 4oz clear all around, which will hopefully make life a little easier.
Thanks for reading.