A little something different in the finless catagory

finless76board002.jpg picture by tjrm63finless76board006.jpg picture by tjrm63finless76board001.jpg picture by tjrm63The beginning of a 7’ 6" kinda finless, I had this idea in my head for awhile and I finally started it


That’s very cool, got any photos of you riding it ?



I started with a 8’ 6" Ice 9 blank and cut a foot off the tail leaving the thicker part of the board in the rear. I outlined the wings, refoiled the board with the planer, used the sander for the concaves and the wings were done by hand with a file and a piece of 100 grit sandpaper folded in half twice.Just good old fashion elbow grease and a few beers,


I think it is way over my ability. I only have one question. How do you plan to glass it?

Are you going to reinforce the snot out of the “wings”

Oh, and what you gonna call it?



I’m going to glass the wings first then standard top and bottom, as for the name I think when it’s done and people see it the name will be What The F@#K

Love it Tjrm63, heres a " Claw/ Hook Rail" type of thing Im doing on bodyboards.

i did a bigger reverse cant style (below) but it had issues releasing smoothly. It grabbed really strongly but when the pressure built up too high it released its entire grip rather than doing it smoothly. The overhang was 1.5inches.

Then I did this, keeping the smooth entry and exit but less penetration depth ( 1")

And now Im using a system thats flush with the bottom but it has gills that allow the water pressure to flow thru rather than holding the water.

It feels like its slicing off a layer of water as it flows out from under the rails and gives a controlled release and more projection.

Please post what your results are !

How the fuck did you put it in there in the first place?

How the fuck did you put did you put all that stuff in there in the first place?

Wouldn’t that be called an IRF?
Had similar thoughts, but could not imagine how it could be done without it being towed out.
I’d be interested in seeing that boards plan shape.

Thanks Dukdiv,

I will post more photos when I finish the shape


Looks insane Tom. Shaping those channels or wings or whatever you’re gonna call 'em musta taken some extreme patience. Love how it looks bonzerish, but still totally original. Can’t wait to see it in action!

finless76boardfinishedshape001.jpg picture by tjrm63finless76boardfinishedshape006.jpg picture by tjrm63finless76boardfinishedshape002.jpg picture by tjrm63finless76boardfinishedshape003.jpg picture by tjrm63finless76boardfinishedshape005.jpg picture by tjrm63 Finished shape, single concave into double before the wings, a little more nose rocker for the Jersey death pits

Let me know if you need a test driver in the 165 - 170 lb range for those death pits!


I’d break those little tube thinggies off just looking at the board…Heck… I think I just heard one snap…Sorry…

Great stuff Thomas!! Get some good pictures glassing it. This is a board that we really need a ride report on. Did you guys get a good swell Thursday through the weekend? Blew hard offshore here but held up good for a couple days.

Very cool experiment. My only concern, looking at the plan shape, is how radically the fin/winglets are toed outwards.

interesting but my thoughts would be actual knock off the curly foam bits, make a hard rail edge where they were, you know, nice and crisp line and flat spot. Glass without nightmares, cold sweat and hell-raising foul language… then, just prior to gloss coat, glue new curly bits on that you make from any variety of plastic… you could make a bunch of different ones and just glue em on, knock off try another… etc…

nice and out of the box !!

And change the placement location, too…

Thanks Bob,

I will take photos of the glassing and hopefully riding

Friday was a mess till the end of the day and Saturday the wind was howling but it was a constant 4 ’ with steady clean barrels

Hope all is well with you and your family


Nice one!

I have a plan for something similar.

Now I can’t wait to get started on mine!