Yeah I got out there down at brightons this morning around 8.30am…
Some fairly decent head high sets rolling through…
Not much shape again unfortunately!
Was sitting out there by myself, and 2 guys and 2 girls paddled out… perfect timing for the biggest set of the day… a 6 wave set, cleaned them all up, and snapped one of the girls 9ft mals… back they go.
Unlucky about your mal, but nice pick up!
Here’s a shot we got at brightons yesterday as well similar type waves to today… me lining up a closeout.
11 1/2" x 6’8 x 20 x 2 1/2 [rail thickness , to !] x 14 1/4 x 4" [pod]
With , as the photos show , a fair bit of nose and tail rocker .
I’m thinking I’ll bring those dimensions down to around 6’4 - 6’6 x 19" x 2 3/8" [or less]…
So, this solves the dilemna , Bill Barnfield , of trying to add rocker somehow to my flattish 7’, that I intended to strip and make into a 6’4ish "widowmaker / thruster / "modern single fin’ !!
I will keep THAT , unstripped , and unchanged , for the small summer days I would have used the 9’ mal for , and use this blank …for thruster / single / "widowmaker " options [four fcs back plugs [absolute maximum !! ] and the normal two side fin plugs in a thruster positioning . ] …That’s the plan at present , anyway !
[thank you thank , You for the blank , the camera , and the good waves today !]
…when one door shuts , another door opens , sometimes !!
Shame about the board, but it looks like you had some good karma on you today. Maybe there will even be some nudie shots of some busty women on that camera
Took them with my brothers Canon A95… Just a standard digi camera and an underwater housing.
Unforunately he was only up for the weekend and is back down south now.
The photo quality is amazing though, but i just realised how hard it really is to get good water action shots , to be in the right place and time and steady hands all of it makes it quite difficult.
…it’s always good for other people to realise that , I reckon ! any time some spoiled nancy boy semi pro-ho guy complains about MY water photography skills , I offer them to swim out with my camera and take a few themselves [of me surfing] . So far , everyone , to a tee , has declined … and , also , it has stopped them whining too, I’ve noticed . [Strange , that !]
Maybe there will even be some nudie shots of some busty women on that camera
Unfortunately, the truth is less enjoyable and much more troublesome. The camera belonged to Bert BURGER and those shots are top secret ones showing (at last) how to actually make perfect compsands. But Bert was kidnapped by chinese spies who were looking for those precious shots. When he realized that he was about to get caught, Bert threw the camera away and it landed where Ben found it.
One door opens: Ben is the only one in the world today (besides Bert, of course) to know the exact recipe of the perfect compsand board.
Another door closes: one of those infamous chinese spies noticed Ben picking up the invaluable camera and now they are after him…
bummer about your board ben, but at least you did it pulling in. last week i watched my mate snap his dick van stralaan epoxy fish during a simple duckdive. he was paddling out & hadn’t even caught a wave. ouch.
Ben, don’t fix it! Here is your chance to make TWO 4’6" fish(es). With 12 fins on each! After Hicksy’s giant skateboard, here comes another Guiness record for Western Australia!
CART MASTER: ‘Ere. He says he’s not dead! CUSTOMER: Yes, he is. DEAD PERSON: I’m not! CART MASTER: He isn’t? CUSTOMER: Well, he will be soon. He’s very ill. DEAD PERSON: I’m getting better! CUSTOMER: No, you’re not. You’ll be stone dead in a moment. CART MASTER: Oh, I can’t take him like that. It’s against regulations. DEAD PERSON: I don’t want to go on the cart! CUSTOMER: Oh, don’t be such a baby. CART MASTER: I can’t take him. DEAD PERSON: I feel fine! CUSTOMER: Well, do us a favour. CART MASTER: I can’t. CUSTOMER: Well, can you hang around a couple of minutes? He won’t be long. CART MASTER: No, I’ve got to go to the Robinsons’. They’ve lost nine today. CUSTOMER: Well, when’s your next round? CART MASTER: Thursday. DEAD PERSON: I think I’ll go for a walk. CUSTOMER: You’re not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn’t there something you can do? DEAD PERSON: [singing] I feel happy. I feel happy. CUSTOMER: Ah, thanks very much. CART MASTER: Not at all. See you on Thursday. CUSTOMER: Right. All right. [howl] [clop clop clop] Who’s that, then? CART MASTER: I dunno. Must be a king. CUSTOMER: Why? CART MASTER: He hasn’t got shit all over him. [loud bang]