A 'moderator' question ? .....

hi guys !


  just a question ...


when we change an account name , does this [quoted below] automatically happen now ? 

 I don't remember it happening , when I changed to 'chipfins61' ,  or 'chippy61' [ ... but , then again , maybe my memory is failing me since the concussion recently ?]


EVERY time I post , I get THIS message now ... [ a bit tedious and inconvenient , to say the least !]


I quote ....


" We are sorry, but the spam filter on this site decided that your submission could be spam. Please fill in the CAPTCHA below to get your submission accepted  "


 so, my question :


 is there some way to get rid of this [? at your end of things , perhaps ?] , so I don't have to fill that out EVERY time I post , please ?!


 cheers guys !



...if you somehow deleted my old 'chipfish61' , 'chipfins61' , and 'chippy61' accounts ,  would THAT fix it , I wonder ??


  cheers !



Hey Ben, from what I can figure, you keep getting that until you’re “trusted” by the system not to be a spammer. I used to get it when I first started posting, and I think it stops once you get to a certain number of points (might be 50, or 100, something like that). At your current rate of posting, it should disappear by Friday afternoon!


cheers Paul , you funny man !


  I think I need the twelve steps programme "how to overcome "swayaholicism"





I gave you props as inspiring, this boosts your points with 5.

I whish for you that you reach 50 points soon!

I gave you props as being funny because youre from WA…

 Youre definately a Swaylockaholic… you cant live without Swaylockahol.


Support Props for Ben - a Cause for the Common Man.

 Wheres ‘the boys’ to help a mate get to 50 points ?


oh no what have I started ??!!


  I notice ,  now , that we get a point just for posting ???!!


   [....THAT'S a worry for manic posters ! [like , well.... ]


  uh oh


  now I'll  DEFINATELY need the 12 step "STOP IT , before it stops YOUUU !!"  programme