[and anyone else who is worried…]
cheers / salut !
[and anyone else who is worried…]
cheers / salut !
and need I add…
“and please report back how that goes”
i hope you do try that out just for the damn hell of it, and to see the expressions on the faces in the parking lot and on the beach…
Stoked- an inline bonzer quadzer setup, don’t see many of those nowadays, but we used to ride them with a tunnel fin and a stand up paddle.
I’m with Popeye… It doesn’t count unless you ride it.
I know a gal who has teeth like dat.
Keep up the good thinking,
Still waiting for the patented Chipsetup
You don’t have to be a champ for that!!!
Maybe THAT's why they disappeared, after all…
mmmmh what about another couple of plugs right out on the wings for those super hollow scarbs days…
…& can we see pics of you riding it?
…& can you break down for us how it rides on your backhand/forehand?
…specs please?
…photos please? can we get a long/short shot? different angles? b&w & colour too please?
…& what do you call it chip?
elevenzer doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.
…& what do you call it chip?
…the “chipfinsh”
great !
this , from france …
" surfreunion
a l’coup de rabot
Joined: Sep 17, 2005
Posts: 51
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:56 am Post subject:
we are working on a multi fin positions board like yours, single, twin, quattro and truster ( need an fcs sponsor for this ) on the same board.
Quote:…& what do you call it chip?
…the “chipfinsh”
it was a toss up between that and “multiser” [yep, pronounced like the lolly]
“I know a gal who has teeth like dat.”
wow , lucky you !! …keep her away from willy , though.
"I’m with popeye , it doesn’t count unless you ride it "
…that sounds like a DARE to me !
" Stoked- an inline bonzer quadzer setup, don’t see many of those nowadays, but we used to ride them with a tunnel fin and a stand up paddle."
now , surprise me …
…it was a quadruple flyer , jet-bottomed moonrocket board , 12’ long , with a spooned deck , filled with helium , glassed with hemp and carbon fibre and kevlar , and you rode it switchfoot at teahupoo, blindfolded, yes ?