Firstly some words about myself.
My name is Kilian Green, I was born and raised in Munich (Germany) and started shaping three years ago.
I’m a student of mechatronics at the Augsburg University of applied science and will graduate in one years time.
Basically it was my dads idea to build the first surfboard. He was (and still is) a total beginner and since the 8’9 Bic ‘Magnum’ he bought turned out to be too small he desperately wanted a bigger surfboard.
At this point I always get the question: “Why didn’t he just go and buy one?”
And here my mom comes into play with her simple statement: “You’re not buying a board AGAIN!!”
So here we are building surfboards in the south of Germany, hundreds of miles from the ocean - but only a half an hour ride away from the Alps.
Well the first board was real trash as you can imagine. It was supposed to be a surf able paddleboard, turned out to be 25Kg light and cost us about 500€. - We should have bought one…
We’ve come a long way and two weeks ago I finished board no 7, a 6’5 Fish, which I already got to ride in Biarritz (France) last week. It’s light, fast and turny as it should and I’m really happy satisfied with how it turned out.
In this thread I’m now going too document the development of a 8’5 longboard I’m making for and together with my lovely girlfriend.
Last summer I took her surfing for first time and she’s stoked! Since she’s a total beginner and I don’t want her to get too frustrated were making a rather big board for her.
Were going to use Styrofoam I got from a construction sight at our university, a 9mm multiplex Stringer, epoxy, 1+2 layers of 6oz glass and prop ably a 1 + 2 fin setup.
Here’s a first idea:…dine%208,6%207th.pdf
We’ve laid up the blank and glued it together using PU-Foam. - Not beautiful but it works!
Gluing up!
Cutting of the excess foam
He raw blank and the beauty
That’s it for now.
I’m going to try to post everytime we do something. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Cheers Kilian