Acrylic Acid Splash Video

I was asked to make a short kinda how to video on an acrylic acid splash applied directly to the foam…i did a small peice of foam and taped it…i hope it works.

i have to upload this in parts because it wont import on my video editor for some reason…let me know if it works! -Ryan

edit* i guess it didnt upload right…if someone wants to take a minute and splice the clips together (theyre really short) for me, i could email the files…anyone willing to help for the greater good?

Howzit surferguy, You should e-mail austin and find out how they do their vids so we can watch them, they’ve got it down. Aloha,Kokua

its just like a 10 second clip, maybe less…the clips just need to be put together into one file and it will be done. the prob with the files is that my computer for some reason wont open them…i figure someone else may be able to?

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