Often I’ll surf w/out the leash, and prefer to go this route, however I’m thinking about adding one for those days that are pretty crowded at my local point break, for additional safety and versatility. Can I open the floor up to the Pros & Cons regarding adding some sort of leash attachment to 10’ Longboard with glass on fin? The good,bad,and ugly please. What manner should I best use if I decide to do this? I have mixed feelings about this but now considering. Thanks.
It’s a personnal choice to use a leash or not to use a leash.There’s as many pros to them as there are cons.If you choose NOT to wear a leash that’s okay with me.My first 5-7 years of surfing was leashless,there was no choice.If you choose to wear one,that’s okay too! Just remember what you are tieing yourself to…I would go with a fiberglass loop,that way if you decide to remove the attachment,your deck will remain clean.GOOD LUCK!..Herb.
The company that makes nose guards sells an adhesive leash attachment. I’ve never tried it but they say that it’s been tested in big hawaiian surf.
Often I’ll surf w/out the leash, and prefer to go this route, however I’m > thinking about adding one for those days that are pretty crowded at my > local point break, for additional safety and versatility.>>> Can I open the floor up to the Pros & Cons regarding adding some sort > of leash attachment to 10’ Longboard with glass on fin? The good,bad,and > ugly please.>>> What manner should I best use if I decide to do this? I have mixed > feelings about this but now considering.>>> Thanks. A friend of mine,who builds old-style longboards, uses the fibreglass/resin loop type leash attachment mentioned by Herb.If you got to do it it’s probably the cleamest look.The loop is glassed onto the deck at the tail-hardly noticeable.
You should consider the stick-on leash loop, I think it’s available through Surfco Hawaii (look on the Web). In terms of aesthetics, it looks like it would be hardly noticeable. I’ve never used one, but it’s only like $5 and I’m sure you can keep a clean deck if you ever remove it. Both installation and removal would be at least a little easier (and cleaner) than the glass rope loop, although the rope would fit well with the classic look of your board. And here’s the best reason I could think of, as opposed to the rope loop: With a 10-footer, if you ever find yourself wiping out on larger wave, the stick-on’s hook could at least pop out before you dislocate your hip. Either way, though, if you’re only using it in small, crowded surf, it would be a good idea to protect others when you can. Excellent tip for San-O summers.
You should consider the stick-on leash loop, I think it’s available > through Surfco Hawaii (look on the Web). In terms of aesthetics, it looks > like it would be hardly noticeable. I’ve never used one, but it’s only > like $5 and I’m sure you can keep a clean deck if you ever remove it. Both > installation and removal would be at least a little easier (and cleaner) > than the glass rope loop, although the rope would fit well with the > classic look of your board. And here’s the best reason I could think of, > as opposed to the rope loop: With a 10-footer, if you ever find yourself > wiping out on larger wave, the stick-on’s hook could at least pop out > before you dislocate your hip. Either way, though, if you’re only using it > in small, crowded surf, it would be a good idea to protect others when you > can. Excellent tip for San-O summers. I have a longboard that a friend gave me that has a hole - approx. 1/8’- drilled through the stringer and a nylon loop is threaded through the hole. I don’t know what this type of leash attachment is called, but the deck is clean.
I have a longboard that a friend gave me that has a hole - approx. 1/8’- > drilled through the stringer and a nylon loop is threaded through the > hole. I don’t know what this type of leash attachment is called, but the > deck is clean. Do you see a white ring around the hole? If so, it’s probably an O’fishl through-deck leash plug. Otherwise, its a hole through the stringer.
OFISH’L makes(or use to make?)a glue on leash attachment (disc),I use them lots,with ZERO complications.Herb.
OFISH’L makes(or use to make?)a glue on leash attachment (disc),I use them > lots,with ZERO complications.Herb. The still do and they work fine. I’ve used them on 2 boards recently. The O’fish’l uses epoxy. The Surfco uses a 3M adhesive that was developed for permanent bonds in marine environments. The Surfco is a little smaller and I think they make a clear one although the one I saw was red (go figure).
clear EZplugs are available at The Beach House in Santa Barbara. don’t know where else. i hear they work fine. although i see mostly white and red ones around, clear looks the best to me. better than a finhole or resin loop. http://www.cooperfishsurfboards.com