Advice from the big lads...

I’ve been reading swaylocks for a while but never posted, so this is no.1 im trying to decide what board i want to make, it will be my first board, now because im a big hunk of love, I need a big board, but im kinda trying not to make a longboard, nothing against longboards as im riding one now, its just I fancy a change, so I just thought if any of the bigger guys out there want to share what they are riding at the moment, to see if any inspire me!!



How big?.

Build yourself a fish. Twin keel. Big as you want it, wide as you want, long as you want, Im ( not very big! ) 5'9'' x 175lb, i ride a homemade 6'2'' x 22 x 3 twin keel. Flat deck, thick nose, thick tail. Surfs the tiniest wave, up to a little overhead. Fun fun fun.

I’d also recommend a twin keel fish for two reasons.

Firstly If you have been riding a longboard a lot you will have developed a style of trimming from the centre of the board, rather than working the fins with your back foot. The fish will ride well without you having to change your stance/style.


Secondly a fish is reasonably easy to build with loads of templates fin positioning data in the archives. You will also find 2 fins easier to set-up as a first timer than a thruster or quad.


You don’t mention your weight but at 200lb a 6’4" would work and at 220 plus you could go about 6’8"+

Littlelineupkiller008.jpg picture by tjrm63Littlelineupkiller007.jpg picture by tjrm63 8 ' x 23"  x 3 1/2"

Now that 8' is exactly what I'm talking about.  That thing is beautiful!  Looks like the perfect step-down boards from my 9-6s.

Im 6’4 266 pounds, and i swear if anyone links to wieght watchers there will be trouble…


Thanks for the reply so far guys all taken on-board.

you’ve got a little height and weight on me…I like 3" x 22" as a minimum…if I want to go much smaller, I add a little more width.

you may want to consider 3 1/8"

nicaraguafinishedboard004.jpg picture by tjrm63nicaraguafinishedboard006.jpg picture by tjrm63 8' x 23 1/2" x 3 3/4 "

do you want a thruster, twin, quad, single fin, 5 fins???

if you tell me, i go and try to cook something up for you


Here are two boards that you can chek out.  The first is a 8-2 quad (8'2" x 24" x 3 3/4") shaped by Chuck Andrus from the US Blanks 8-2A and the second is a 9-1 five-fin (9'1" x 24" x 3 7/8")  shaped by J.Vicente from the US Blanks 9-3A.  These two blanks are designed for big boy boards.  At 255 lbs and 54 years young, I need all the foam I can get.





[img_assist|nid=1046833|title=Chuck Andrus 8-2 Quad|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1046834|title=8-2 Bottom|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1046836|title=9-1 bottom|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]



Here are better shots of the boards:

BTW, I do my own glassing.  My shaping still sucks.




the problem with going too wide, depending on your build is sore hip muscles from straddling the thing and the ability to go rail to rail.

you can design around the rail to rail element with vee and belly, but the width can be real rough on your hip flexors if you’re sitting for a long time.

as I go smaller, I keep the width to 22" or 22.5" and start beefing up the foam in the center.

if you’re looking for early entry and to trim down the line…widths greater than 22 ain’t so bad…you can catch ANYTHING on a 24" board.


Those are the same blanks I use, I get a lot of requests for the 8' 2" A's, great for bigger guys  nice boards


Aloha Tom:

Finding a big guy blanks were very tough before the 8-2A and 9-3A.  Back in the Clark days, we use to use the Clark 10-3 blank and custom order the rockers.  We use to waist so much blank to make a big boy board.  I am having Chuck Andrus shape  me 11-3 semi gun.  We are using the US blank 11-3 with the 10-6 gun rockers (center to nose and center to tail).  I should be able to paddle into some bombs with this board. (I am not sure if I can still surf the big stuff any more... I really love to breath. LOL)

BTW, I love the color in you boards.  They are very bold.  Really good stuff. That's how I do most of my boards except for the 3-stringer boards.  I like to show of the stringers, nose and tail blocks.




Listen to Thomas! Hes the big boy master shaper.  Take advise from the bigger builders. Because of my size, I go wider and thicker than the "norm" regardless of the length. There are pros to corky boards when you have extra size or weight. You'll enjoy surfing more, which will translate to you ripping!


Love that board. Would it be rude to ask for nose and tail dimensions. Going to try something similar on my next one. Fairly new to shaping so any extra info you would be willing to pass on would be apprieciated.

Was this one built out off a 8-2A, what fin set up did you go for? i was thinking a nice single would be good.

Thanks again for your help     


Are you talking about the blue tint triple stringer on my truck or the blue and yellow striped, I'll give you any info you want about these and yes both were made from the US Blanks 8' 2" A s


Thanks Bob, you are to kind, and what you said is spot on


Hi Tom

Yep that Blue triple stringer is the one. The shape looks spot on to me. As i say i am newish to shaping (4 boards down and addicted to it) so any info that will help me draw that template out would be great. I was think about going with a single fin box and adding some quad boxes to it just for a different option, do you think this would work or is the thruster set up best suited. Might be getting ahead of myself there as i need to template it first so just any info that would help would be great.

I am looking to ride it in UK beach breaks with not the most power.

Thanks for all your help 


Thanks for all the replies, sorry for not posting back but I lost my net for a couple of days, Tom im really liking the Quad you posted and the dimensions look good for me, as above would you kindly give me more detailed dimensions such as nose/tail width and some info on the rocker, and I will add you to my christmas card list!

Thanks for all the help.

Also nice van.