[this is only what I do]… I put my side fins sort of in a thruster position. But , with side fin plugs or boxes, you can move them forward or back .
The beauty of a finbox (good choice, mate !!) is that you can do the same with the single / or back fin .
To me , this 2+1 / “widowmaker” setup is ALL about experimentation …trying LOTS of different sized side and back / single fins , so you have a board that you can use in a WIDE range of conditions . I have seen everything from the side fins being level with the “back” fin , to the “normal” thruster placements , and lots of variety in between [depends on if you use longish side fin boxes , or , in my fish’s case , LOTS of side fin plugs] …the choice is YOURS !!
The horrible looking board I posted in the “surfing jokes” thread was SUPPOSED to achieve this , with three fin boxes…[that was 6’5]…It may still happen one day , if it is stripped and reshaped …otherwise it will be my “palette” for experiments [tints , glassing practice, sprays, fin plugging, fin cores , ? skatedeck? …whatever][strike]
Been using my old Bic 7’9"er as a 6" twin, 6" twin with 3.5 trailer, 4.5 sides and 7" trailer, 8" trailer only, 3.5 sides and 8" trailer, and a few times with a normal 9" log fin.
Like the first best, second in overhead juice, which I have trouble riding the board in…too wide…
Where are you getting these different size fins for the Bic?
The reason I ask is that the board I first learned to surf on was a 7’9" bic tri fin. I thought I’d never surf. If I paddled in one position the wave would roll right underneath me. If I moved just a little forward the board would pearl. Not until I tried another board and easly caught waves did I realize there was something wrong with the board, and it’s actually how I ended up finding swaylocks. Anyway, my thinking was there was something wrong with the fins so I got a longer fin from a Bic longboard and had to remake the base to fit the small Bic slots and now the board works. But I’ve never seen any other sized fins that fit a Bic.
Funny now I see the newer 7’9" Bics that have a larger center fin -more like a 2+1 set up - instead of the tri-fin setup mine had.