air in hotcoat

Hello. I tried to do a thin hotcoat on the deck of my board, but think it may be too light in a couple areas. I am getting what looks like small air pockets, and I know from previous boards that when I sand the board these ‘air holes’ (or whatever they are) can collect white dust which will show through when I gloss. What happened and what should I do?

Hello. I tried to do a thin hotcoat on the deck of my board, but think it > may be too light in a couple areas. I am getting what looks like small air > pockets, and I know from previous boards that when I sand the board these > ‘air holes’ (or whatever they are) can collect white dust which will show > through when I gloss. What happened and what should I do? MIX A LIILE RESIN IN A CUP W/A DASH OF STYRENE MIXED IN AND USE A PLASTIC BONDO SPREADER AND SQUEEZE IT IN OVER ALL THE AIR HOLES AND THIS SHOULD DO THE TRICK

Would that be catalyzed resin, with a bit of styrene? And why styrene by the way? Gracias amigo

Would that be catalyzed resin, with a bit of styrene? And why styrene by > the way? Gracias amigo I believe that would be catalyzed, and the styrene thins out the resin so it will flow into the tiny holes more easily. GF

Art: Yes, seal the board as described. Be aware, do this when the board is cool and while the air temp is stable – if you can. If it is hot or getting hot, the air presure in the board will push the resin back out of these holes. Been there before. sHInE