Alaias for sale?


anyone in the orange county are who makes homemade alaias willing to sell one? let me know. rad,


you could buy one from me

Not in Orange County, but anyone in SF Bay area who is interested let me know.


Jake moss has em for sale in north county SD…google moss research and im sure you can find him.

Contact Jeff Beck at Nine Lights surfboards in Huntington Beach.

Jon Wegener sells preshaped/finished alaias, as well as pre-made alaia blanks and even lumber to make alaias.

He’s in Hermosa Beach.

I saw a few of Wegener’s boards in the Thalia Street Surf shop in Laguna a month or so back …

Wegener’s boards dominate the scene at the local points and reefs.

Or more aptly put, the guys dominating the local points and reefs are doing it on his boards.

He just revamped his site with a couple new models…the Nerd looks really fun to me.