Alternative to "Future" in Australia?

G’day All,

I’ve knocked up and painted my first shape (with muchos help from the forum) and am now ready to glass her but I’m a little concerned about paint bleeding/crystallisation. The boards black and orange, probably not the best choice of colours for a first timer but I couldn’t help myself…

Anyway, I’ve plumbed the archives looking for an Australian alternative to Future floor sealer and haven’t really been able to come up with anything. Can any fellow Aussies suggest a readily available alternative that’ll do the trick for me?

Thanks very much.



Maybe Acrylic Sealer.

hi luke, dont know about using it on foam because i havent tried it but i regularly use tile/floor sealer on the sanded filler as a sealer instead of protec or sprayed acrylics. i would like to know if herb or someone else out there can tell me if there is any UV inhibitors in future finish or the like.



Thanks for the info guys. I see that Bunnings stock the Long Life gear so I’ll stick my head in there tonight and see what I can come up with. Love your art Dave, it’s nice to see some colour amongst a sea of white sticks.



Yes Dave,

This keeps it from yellowing…

…An alt. to Future would be a waterbased, acrylic-grout/tile sealer.Herb

Just reviving an old thread for anyone interested.

Try and look at the Gemini floor sealer range.



Future goes by the name Klear floor polish in New Zealand. Not sure if it goes by the same name in Australia. Here’s a link to all the different names.