Aluminum surfboards and mass production?

Hollow boards with bilge pumps and flotation tanks?

“I can’t surf today, bro.  Bilge pump battery’s flat”

“Just plug it into your iphone charger”

sounds much the same as..." can't surf today , forgot the allen key to screw my fins in ".......hahaha!

So far no problems with leaking or getting hot in the sun.  The fin is a challenge but I will have it ready for a demo on May 14 at Coleman park, Morro Bay.  I’m doing a Mooney v-stab foil for little or no deviation at cruising speed.

[img_assist|nid=1065449|title=al construction2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=359|height=640][img_assist|nid=1065448|title=al construction1|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=359|height=640][img_assist|nid=1065449|title=al construction2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=56|height=100]


Take it easy there wILL rOBINSON.  

Hey, Robot would have neversurvived space if he was glassed foam!  He’s good for mass production too.
