Am I wasting Resin???

So I’ve built a dozen or so boards now using RR Epoxy – primarily doing wakesurfers with the following schedule:

Bottom: lam, then fill while tacky, then sand rails

Deck: lam, fill while tacky, then sand the whole thing with 100grit in prep for RR gloss on both sides

[indent]2x6oz SGlass both sides. Boards are 4’6"ish

Lam coats: 15oz of mixed RR

fill coat/hotcoat: just over 7oz of mixed resin each side.

gloss coat: about 7oz


I’m wondering if I can/should go with less resin on the fill coat – the 7oz seems a little thick, but i like to try to get a decent surface to sand down nice and flat for the gloss coat, but not sure if I’m wasting resin… Does 7oz seem about right for a fill coat on a 4’6" board?

Thanks for any help!! – resin is expensive, just trying save where I can… out here in Austin, don’t really have anybody to bounce stuff like this off of… thanks!

1 (one) oz per foot as a general rule so you are doing fine. I think when you try to skimp on the resin you will pay for it in time and effort.

A helpful hint that you didn’t mention doing would be to microwave the resin for 10-15 seconds before you add the hardener for both filler and gloss coats. Realizing your pot life is decreased but should not be an issue for your specified application.

Don’t forget your capful of xylene to the mixture also. The water consistency of resin you have now will maybe allow you to back off a few ounces.

What is RR per ounce at the quantities you buy? Are times that tough in the greatest state in the union?

To conclude: Microwave, move to San Antonio, don’t ever mention you are from Texas again, because all those who can’t live there will feel bad.

I agree microwaving the resin - makes it flow like water for a fill / hotcoat.

But just to clarify:

Microwave the Resin component only for 2-3 seconds per oz. (depending on microwave wattage)

Then mix in the Add F and Hardener thoroughly.


Thanks OTAY.

Sounds like you have spent some time in Texas – I grew up in No Cal and was taught to dislike Texas like most “good CA boys and girls.” I had a friend move to Austin about 6 years ago and I was like “WHY would you move to Texas!!!” Then ironically about 2 years later, my job brought me here and well… :slight_smile:

Good reminder on the micro. I do that sometimes, but mostly when the weather is colder. I’ll have to give that a try to thin it out. And yes I do use Add F.

Since I do about 1 board a month I usually just order 3gal kit from Fiberglass Supply — shipping costs add a nice little chunk… )

SA - we have family there, but try to avoid it except when familial obligations require… :slight_smile:

Thanks Brian

2-3 secs on the resin per oz sounds like a good guideline.

Do you also zap the resin at all for lams?

Hey Smedman,

Yeah I nuke the resin for lams as well but I only glass with bamboo. The lower viscosity helps wet out natural fibers faster.

Don’t see why you wouldn’t zap it for fiberglass too… maybe someone else can chime in on that.

Take it easy,



Texas is great for making eps boards. there is an EPS manufacturer in every major city in TX. SA may have a few. If you hook up with a cloth manufacturer in TX you can get end of rolls for pennies on the dollar. There used to be cloth manufacturers in Dallas and Seguine.

Having lived in South Texas I was taught never to trust anyone north of Kileen.

You are luckier than you know having many board manufacturing resources available right at you finger tips.

Take 7 oz of water and put it in the microwave for the times that were recommended. If you actually can throw a thermometer in it you will see how hot it actually is. for 7 oz, 10-15 secs is plenty hot to get it around 105F. I am just trying to change the viscosity and still have a few minutes to work with the resin after adding the fast acting hardener.

Yer wasting resin if it ends up on the floor.