Ancient surfers

>>hold your mouth just right and breathe in the new air

as it bursts through the surface and hold it ,

dont just exhale like it wasn’t special <<<

wow, thats some powerful words…


I read a great book about the Chinese Fleet -it was called ‘1421- The year the Chinese discovered America’ and think it was by the same guy who wrote the Nat. Geo article- he had really done his research and had all kinds of weird evidence that the Chinese basically had visited most everywhere- old wrecks of the west coast of Australia (no making fun of Ben here) , DNA tests in Central America, villages in the Caribbean that speak a sort of Chinese dialect- all kinds of cool stuff. All of those early explorers were pretty hardcore though- the Viking longboats are some amazing naval architecture, the Portugese guys chasing whales and sailing down the coast of Africa worrying the sea would be boiling at the equator, Arab dhows hauling over to India, Colombus heading out into nowhere in tiny boats- very serious waterman all of them! (I think the Chinese took gourmet chefs and courtesans with them which seems like the sensible way to do it though.)

groves, rolls and vee’s… anyone one read Rabbit Kekai Paipo Beginnings?? well interestings! one of the original hotcurl guys seems he started that way early on. theres something forgotten in this age of technology… the past! understanding the roots to understand the future.

I shell post something soon when I feel its ready to be seen… might just be firewood though. haha


My field of study was North American migrations.


44,000 years ago the first americans lived in Chile and probably came across the Pacific… - there is supporting data.


Aloha Benny1

Thought you might find this interesting.

There is a mountain on the Northern Coast of Oregon, named “Neahkahnie” Mtn. by the local Indians.

One of the primary Hawaiian gods is named “Kane”.

If I recall correctly , Neahkahnie translated means…

Neah = Home

Kahnie = Their local Indian god.

Oddly…these particular Coastal Indians were revered for their ocean going, canoe building skills.

Makes ya wonder!

Trade routes? Interesting.

Thanks, Bill! Didn’t know that one. Ran a dig for the BLM in southern Oregon many years ago, but wasn’t anywhere near the ocean :frowning:

I wrote a thesis on parallel evolution in coastal dwellings once. How available timber & response to climate shaped the houses much more than how “culturally advanced” the people were. The plank houses of the Haida were every bit as sound as those of the Norwegians and the timber & sod houses of the Klamath closely resembled those of the Celts.

Pissed my eurocentric professor right off. But that was sort of the point… :slight_smile:

One of the views from Neahkahnie Mountain…

Yup BB

As Benny1 said there’s a ton of theories and one of them I remember discussed in anthro classes is a connection of the northwest coastal tribes and Hawaii. If you look at the ocean currents it makes sense as the the would have taken the great north pacific current and trades this way… But Benny I agree simultaneous parralel tangential evolution makes more sense than certain theories of migration.

But the pottery, fabric, language decomposition forensics point stronger to indochina which is the popular thought.

According to my ancestors though it was Papa(father sky) and Wakea(mother earth) we need to thank…

You can hear the story by listening to the Kumulipo creation chant which was passed on through the generations as part of our oral history.

Our belief triangle… God-Earth-Man tied all togethor by the breath of life or “Ha” and leading to the enlightenment of “mana”

Not that any of this makes a difference in my day job, the daily traffic night mare, or my surfing ability…

just sharing some mana’o (knowledge) culture is culture that’s all it is…

Nice Photo Dale

I can almost see my wife’s parent’s house down at the end of the spit!

Good to “read” you amcIII - you, my friend are a source of stoke to many of us. Taylor “The other “why me.””

And, it goes off like that all the time right Bill, Dale, tj, Gordon, et. al…

Seriously though, this is a great thread. I laughed so hard at ambros’ smoke thing… Helps me remember why I love this place. Taylor

Yup BB

As Benny1 said there’s a ton of theories and one of them I remember discussed in anthro classes is a connection of the northwest coastal tribes and Hawaii. If you look at the ocean currents it makes sense as the the would have taken the great north pacific current and trades this way… But Benny I agree simultaneous parralel tangential evolution makes more sense than certain theories of migration.

I agree, the North Pacific High cycles clockwise. If the High has drifted south enough, you can leave Oahu in a saling canoe, heading north on a reach that will send you in an arcing path right into the west coast. Depending on how tight or broad the reach is and where the High is centered getting to Oregon would be a cake walk in the summer. A fast canoe could probably do it in under a few weeks, weather permitting. And the West Coast is a much bigger target then the tiny island these guys were quite skilled at getting to regularly.

I have no doubt at all that some adventurous Hawaiians continued their explorations and made it to the Northwest Coast.

But the pottery, fabric, language decomposition forensics point stronger to indochina which is the popular thought.

I don’t doubt this at all. Just like todays adventureres, if they had the means to travel, even if at great risk, I am absolutely sure that someone on some beach that was wondering what was “over there”, eventually took off to discover what it was.

A lap arround the pacific doesent seem unreasonable.


europe of the western oceans

were they intimidated? or what/

the edge of the earth carp included…

As for the ego centric

appraisals of new cultures,

no dinner ware and no tea ?

automatic abboriginals

are n’t thou

Quaint feild sports and smkoing plants cooopted without

a second thought.lacrosse.badmittion?


we are the ancient surfers.

any thing different than what we now cherrish

will be touted as NEW

after a century or so of new,New,NEW,NEWEY

our interpets will be eclipsed but not forgotton.

anthro class disscussions are often dealing with dated information.

carbon date spontaneous generation

or drop the carbon dating on Louis Pastuer

there will be descrepancy in the dated times of his esperimentz

only the newspaper will know for sure if it was a saturday or a thursday…

I just pased wind …

can we carbon date that?

was I here yesterday or today…

after two weeks in midway

we would be ready for california

sand bars.smell of kelp

hot food at the lodge.


second star from the left and straight on till morning.

good enough for wendy and peter


good enough for me.

positive vibrations

yeah, positive,

nothing like those olona girls to drive the polynesians

to distraction…

if it’s just not too foggy to see the gate to the bay…

lomi salmon …an ancient dish…

just rare…?

some adventureous…

all adventourous on the trail

of the fishin’,surfin.

to some under the age of twenty , THIS may be an "ancient surfer "

Woody Brown …

…R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!

From what I’ve seen and heard of him [T.V. only , unfortunately …I would LOVE to sit down and listen to this man !!!] , he has stoke jumping out of every pore in his being .

Have any of you Hawaiians here had the privilege of meeting him ? Someone should tape record his life’s memories , and write a book / make a good movie.



As a point of history, the FIRST person to surf at Windansea in La Jolla, was Woody Brown in 1937. I surfed with, and built boards for many of Woody’s contemporaries. I have met Woody on two occasions in the past six years, at Windansea reunions. He is truely amazed by the high regard the surfing community has for him. He is a true gentleman, open and friendly toward everyone. He is humble about his many contributions to surfing. Woody also designed and built the first modern Catamaran, having been inspired by the ancient Polynesian double canoes. I cherish the photo I have of Woody, Alan Nelson (one of that first group to surf Waimea in 1957), and myself, at one of the Windansea reunions. Both of those men, in my opinion, have demonstrated true design genius in their approach to surfboard, boat, and aircraft design. I was lucky to be in the same photo.

I knew I’d saved this for good reason. Hardly ancient though


I have to ask, where did you get that photo? I didn’t think it was floating around out there.

cool !

what year was that shot taken ?

by whom ?

…cheers !



The photo was taken at Windansea in Sept. 2001. (I think) I do know the photo was taken by the nice lady that stepped up to do the organizing of the event for this year, Ms. Sandy Brabon.

well, I got it from you Bill.

Thanks for the link.