and now ...... 'beerfan's latest , finished .......

all by himself !

Doesn’t he look happy with himself eh boys and girl ?

"cheers " !!


Don’t worry , I PROMISE I will NOT send photos of 'sirwanksalot’s latest ,

'psycho’s latest ,


'fatbaslardass’s ,

either !)


That’s hilarious. I remember those days. Glad they’re over to tell you the truth. What kind of beer was in the keg? mike

Yep, "beerfan’’ got barrelled, for sure …

[Here in oz , we sometimes refer to it as "getting kegged’’ , too ]

I think it was one of those convex bottom creations …hull lotta beer going on …

That’s my beautiful wife and i enjoying our honeymoon !!. She cant cook or clean well, but we get by. I loved her the moment i set eyes on her, out the back of a pub in sunny wollongong. We’ve been together ever since, although we did nearly get divorced after my little fling with a younger, less dinted keg, but that’s all behind us now. Thank god for doctor phill, he saved our marriage, and taught me it’s what’s inside that counts.