Andy Irons Passes Away???

You mean that you still really believe he died from dengue fever.I hope that the ASP starts drug testing.This should be mandatory it could save lives.






Guess what.




we are all in this game for life


god Bless the mortal soul of andy Irons

may he continue to find his way to eternal rest.

The Mysterious way that allows his seed to survive 

in the yet unborn is a measurable blessing.



the Occupational hazards of professional sports

include Physical pain,pharmaceuticals to deal

with the pain are 20th century placebos.The 

side effects and the affected behavior have

taken their toll on many generations. LIght

must be shed on the consequences of every

behavior pattern.

The good die young the better die younger

the best die WAY TOO SOON.

the most Radical guys die first.


blessings on the baby yet unborn 

safety and health to the mother of the child

condolences to the wrought parents

uncles and aunties alike hugs all around.


to  contemporaries watch your P’s And Q’s

you too are mortal,check your radical tendencies.


We all are on notice,the after life isn’t far away.

perhaps this is heaven right here.Diff , Velzy ,

Harpo, my dad, Teddy WIlliams , and  young pete

all are in position

to show the Irons kid the line up.

I just hope his spirit doesnt get stuck

in a hotel in dallas …  




is there a shaman in the house




Freedom for the Stallion by Allen Toussaint

Play song from The Complete Warner Brothers ... - 2005 - 3:25

Freedom for the Stallion


click on play.

Prayers and Condolences to his Friends & Family

This sucks. Andy was always a favorite surfer of mine and I saw firsthand on Kauai what a good person he was. Deepest sympathies to his Ohana on Kauai.

dengue fever is said to have no cure. pass this link around so those who get it like AI did can do something before it’s too late :

our deepest sympathies & condolences to his family. 

    Howzit surfercross, I just got an email frm Kauai about Andy and was emailing to confirm and was going to post here about it but now Iknow it is true.I amnot sure if it wa dengue fever or from drugs but I know the truth will come out soon and I will hope it was the dengue because Andy was trying to stay on the straight road since his wife is pregnant and the world at his feet. I have known him since he was a baby and this is going to be very hard on his family and the Irons clan is a close knit family. I know all of the brothers and I remember John telling me he couldn't believe I was moving after so many years on Kauai. I am so tired of friends passing away and Andy was the tenth friend to die in less than 2 years and was hoping for a break after the last one about a month ago. We ave had dengue fever hi Kauai a couple of times in the last few years and oe time it came back with a kid who got it in Tahiti (spell) and he lived downstairs from me. I was lucky that I was on the mainland when he got back and it was pretty much all gone by the time I got back, to close. I don't know if he would have ever been the champ again but he was one hell of a surfer. I watched him,Bruce and Reef Mcintosh tear up big Hanalei a few years back and they just blew me away and I had never seen anyonesurf the Bay like they did that day. RIP Andy. Aloha,Kokua 

Doesn’t matter to me whether it was dengue fever or drugs it’s still such a tragic loss…




**Hawaiin police are investigating the possibility that three-time surfing world champion Andy Irons died from a methadone overdose, according to an island newspaper.**

**A vomiting attack on a plane reportedly forced  the 32-year-old to abandon a desperate attempt to get home to Hawaii the day before he was found dead in a US hotel.**

**Stab Magazine**** is reporting that Irons, 32, was found dead by hotel staff in the Grand Hyatt in Dallas, Texas, after failing to respond to a wake-up call on Tuesday morning, local time.**

**Irons was reported by surf officials to have possibly been suffering from dengue fever, a viral mosquito-borne illness. He had abandoned his place in the Rip Curl Pro surfing contest in Puerto Rico on the weekend.**

**He spent two days on an IV drip in Miami but was determined to get back to Hawaii, where his own doctor, plus his heavily pregnant wife Lyndie, waited.**

**He boarded a connecting flight from Miami to Dallas but started vomiting in the air.**

**He was unable to make the next flight and checked into the Grand Hyatt.**

**Hotel staff found Irons dead early on Tuesday morning after a wake-up call failed to rouse him.**

**He was pronounced dead at 9.46am local time, ****Stab Magazine****reported on its website.**

**A post mortem will be conducted on Wednesday morning, the magazine reported.**

**The ****Honolulu Star Advertiser ****said on its website that Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed a quantity of methadone was found inside a container marked for the prescription drug zolpidem.**

**Zolpidem is often used for insomnia. Methodone is a controlled substance used for pain.**

**Numerous other medications were found on a bedside table in the hotel room, the ****Star Advertiser ****reported.**


I watched  the Irons kids from day one. From diapers to surfboards. They just got better and better at surfing. They were better surfers at 6 years old  than I have ever been. They were Way Kool Kids. They would snake my waves and I didn't care !! They were fun to watch ! They are Kauai Ohana ! Andy will have the biggest paddle out in Hawaii history !!!

About Dengue fever ! My wife had it when she was an 18 year old college kid in Hanoi Vietnam . She had the Dengue hemorrhagic fever kind. She was lucky , her brother was an army officer so she got first class care from the Army hospital in Hanoi. She stopped breathing twice and was revived. She was in the hospital for 2 months. She has described it to me many times. Uncontroled vomiting untill she couldn't breath, muscle contraction that were totally intolerable, In her case bleeding from the eyes and ears and totaly covered with red welps that would ooz blood. She prayed every day to die.  Moveing on, In 2006 I contacted Dengue fever in Ha Tin Vietnam ( not hemorrhagic). It got to me when we got to Saigon. The muscle and joint pain were just incredible.At that point I didn't know what I had! My wife wanted me to go to the hospital, I just wanted to go home. !! I loaded up on codine and stopped eating in hopes that I could make the flight back to Hawaii without shitting myself. When we transfered planes in Taiwan the health screeners at the airport caught me and dragged me off to the airport hospital for blood tests .( the Taiwan airport was screening for bird flue at that time ) They put me and my wife in quarentine when the blood test came back DENGUE FEVER.  We were then quarentined in a hotel for 4 nights before we could continue traveling. Takeing pain medication for sure helps with the incredible amount of pain from dengue. On the down side you can drown in your own vomit if you are sleeping. That seems to be common cause of death for dengue.My two main thoughts when I had dengue were I want to die and I want to be at home in my own bed.. If Andy was at the stage of throwing up uncontroleably and he was in a hotel room alone.Well !!!

One of the saddest things I have seen in our sport in awhile.  Cheyne mentioned on our facebook that  Will Webber is also in an induced coma and struggling for his life.    Two truly sad events.  Thoughts and prayers to both of the families and for Will's recovery.

FUCK, this DrUG ShiT…I’m OveR It…

please No,. Not Drugs Andy, You have/had a bubba coming…!

Please NO!


   Howzit Slash, Methadone is also for people who are kicking a drug habit and usually for heroin. Andy had been hooked on Oxy's and went through rehab but it sounds like he had backslid  and was on methadone now. The only oneswho will know for sure will be his family since he died an unattended death hey will do a autopsy and a toxology on him and that takes a while and they only tell the family the results. If he had the pills in a bottle that was not methadone labeled then he didn't have a script for them and was most likely using them to get high but they won't make you sick enough to vomit and die and he may have thought they would help with the dengue until he got home and saw his own doctor. You have t realize that there are so many prescription drugs available and Pine Trees parking ot is lke a black market pharmacy. I am no angel nd when I was oing through my cancer thing the doctors gave me all kinds of different pain killers and friends were giving me drugs that I would never even think about taking. But due to the circumstances I tried a few th at were less potent than what the doctors were giving me. One friend gave me a coule of methadone pills but they didn't help at all and after taking 2 or 3 that was the end. I have heard they are just anther form of heroin and the withdrawls are worse than most pain pills except for maybe Oxy's which is another on that I tried and won't take again and my docor wanted to prescribe them for me and I told him noway. They had me on fentenyl for 7 eeks and I could hardly breathe and just stopped after hyperventalating one night and almost called 911. Some people are just more proneto addiction and it seems that Andy may have had that problem and had not figured out that he didn't need them. I have legitimatepain issuesmyself and the doctors give me some pretty heavy stuff but I don't abusethem andactually try not to take anything if possible. Now they are taling about morphine and I am not sure if Iwantthat monkey on my back but I  have done research onit and as far as pain killer drugs are concerned it does the leats amount of damage to the body and if used properly you can use it for years and be OK but I would rather just take relieeve and stop at that. My new doctor just wrote me a script for 120 750mg vicodins and never even has looked at my medical records but I hate them becaus they constipate me after taking 2 or 3, so I have this bottle of pain pills and won't even touch them unless it is necessary, would rather try the morphine first and I am not into getting a buzz just not being in pain. Aloha,Kokua

howdy kokua,

most news reports say he was on IV drip for 2 days. that’s typical for those undergoing life-threatening diseases like dengue, to help the body rehydrate. do drug rehab programs resort to that type of treatment ?

What else is ther e to say?

what a loss...another son, brother, father...gone...too soon..

kinda put things into harsh perspective.."live for today"

and really makes our squabbling about fins,who did this first, science, etc...

see so..petty..i dunno..

i'm gonna surf some junk waves for AI ...




The dude had some surfin balls....and such a smooth fluid style.

His surfing will be missed.



super horrible

i saw andy take the leg win in quiksilver pro france 2004 over his brother andy [ks 3rd] in epic waves!

addiction is a disease, not a person his or her fault!

whatever the reason of his death, it is the saddest thing in a family’s live to deal with, all the best to his family



We all should say some prayers for is family especially for his child who will come into the world without a Father.

Kauai & the North Shore community of Hanalei continue to be stunned by the loss of Andy. The groms are bummed, who Andy and Bruce supported every year with their Irons Brothers PineTreee's Keiki contest. The ominus gray weather with huge pounding surf only makes it harder to understand today.

It's visiblly shaken people here on the north shore. Tear ladden eyes, ready for release like  heavy down pouring rain known for Kauai, when words of Andy are spoken, quiet and reverantly.

We shall miss, our friend, a surfer, a son, a husband & Father to be. It's a unique tribe that we all come from. A tribe who embraces the ocean like nothing else. We wallow in it's shallow waters, watch our children scream with glee, as it ripples over their tiny bodys, and watch as they grow and flower within the tribe, becoming men  and women.

Hanalei has embraced the Irons Ohana for years and we shall continue to do so in this trying of times for Phil, Danielle, Bruce and Lyndie, Andy's wife, with child. We are Ohana. We shall endure.

Mahalo everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers.


Hanalei, Kaua'i

   Howzit Peter, Gene Hall was the one who emailed me yesterday about Andy's death and I was trying to confirm it and was then gong to post it here. Then I come on Sways and there is like 18 posts about it. Tday my email was packed with emails from all the boys in Hanalei with details and Ryan H had told Papa Sau that Andy was still dealing with his drug demons. It is a shock and not being there hurts me as was Mike Edwards death a couple of months ago. I can't even imagine how Phil and Danielle are taking it but I did read the G.I, article and I guess they had to fly to Texas to identify Andy's body. Damn it Peter I thought we did our best to be good role models for all these young guys. I look at Dustin Barca and think how he was such a little monster but I always treated him like a good kid and he has turned out to be a great guy and that was one of the reasons we all put so much enegy into having all those surf contests for the kids and that includes the 60 year plus kids. Take careand give Deb a big Aloha from me. Aloha,Kokua