Andy Wins it again

Howzit KR, I agree on the trials thing, the local boys have nothing to lose and every thing to gain. They will go full tilt while the pros know if they blow it,it can hurt their ratings. When Andy free surfs at his home spot he doesn’t use a leash and goes for moves that he might make only 50% of the time. What I like to see is when Andy, Bruce, Dustin Barca, Roy Powers, Reef and some of the up and coming guys are in the water with no leashes and just going balls to the wall to out do each other and still having fun. I tell you it’s one heck of a expression session.Aloha, Kokua

I would second Paul on this one. I fish,I surf, and I feel the same way about ASP surfing as I do about who won the latest “Bass Masters” title - BFD! Surfing is something one does not something one watches. Patrick

“How do these events help surfing?” Are you kidding? Is that a serious question? Exactly what “new maneuvers” have stimulated “new materials and manufacturing”? The ones that make us feel inadequate and frustrated, vainly struggling “just to keep up”! Ooh baby, what a crock of stinking bullshit. I use “new” as in aside from “new” beachwear and “new” accessories". It`s all about marketing lies. Not real surfers, riding real waves. Living without pro surfing is about as tough as living without People Magazine.

But if there were no PEOPLE magazine, what would one read whilst in the dentist waiting room. For most of the folks who surf, they don’t get to surf Pipleline with only 3 other surfers in the lineup, they don’t get to close down Jeffery’s Bay or take over breaks like Mundaka and Teauhpo. I bet if we common surfers were able to do this then some of us might be as good or better than a LOT of the pros. AND THIS IS REALLY the point to the insignificance of a pro tour. Given great conditions with no crowds us “non-pros” most likely feel that we can be as good as Slater, Irons et al. So the mystique of the pro surfer is dispelled becasue quite frankly there are several guys at my home break that can rip as well as any pro, and any surfer worth their weight probably would feel the same. Everyone says that Slater is the Jordan of surfing. I agree but am I ever going be as good a basketball player as Jordan. HELL NO! It’s not physically possible and certainly with no amount of practice will I ever resemble Jordan in basketball. BUT with a decent environment and more time in the water surfing the best breaks, I could in all likelyhood at least be walking in the footsteps of Slater. Maybe I’ll never be as good as good as he is, but at least I have the potential to be. And that is the point. You could say that give me uncrowded J bay and I’ll rip it up and feel like Slater. You can’t say that about other pro sports. The athletes in Basketball, baseball, Hockey and football are to far removed form our everyday lives. Once the aura of the pro surfer is removed then putting them all together to have conttests to see who is better makes little sense! Drew

I couldnt read much past p.j.s bfd he broke the concentration what ever you guys decide I agree just keep the jet ski away from me… ambrose congratulating everyones successes an dont spend the money on drugs unless the drugs is a mat…

Joel Tudor and Surfer’s Journal are about the 2 best things to happen to the surf scene in the last decade!

Rascoe, I would agree and would add Greg’s epoxy and all the Swaylockians. Perhaps you should repost this at the top on Newyears Day. Could be a nice positive finish to the year. Take care and have a merry Christmas. Patrick