Animal Control?

I am almost done shaping a 6 4 diamond tail single fin with a big old beak nose. Then my little mut jumped on the deck of the sanded board. He left a bunch of toe nail inflicted dings. They are on the back half of the board and a few are almost half an inch deep. I dont want to sand them out because i am afraid it would weaken the deck. Is 3/8 of an inch too deep for the hair dryer trick? If so exactly what kind of spackle should i get? My mom tried to suggest putting a full trac top on the board but that would be sacrilige on a classic single fin. I need some help and i need it fast because the dog’s days are severly numbered now.

I’ve used the “heat gun technique” with great results on dents up to 1/4" deep. You should try this first then see if you need to spackle any dents that won’t pop up. I used a small Milwaukee heat gun that gets really hot. Keep it moving and approx. 2" away from each dent. Stop just after a few seconds and check results. BE CAREFUL. I’m not too sure what kind of spackle works best, but maybe someone else will respond to that technique.

light weight spackle, after you wax it you’ll never see it. you could use resin and diaper filling, Herb reckons it’s pretty invisible.

It might look good with an opaque or nearly opaque deck inlay. Opaque white might do the trick - I’ve used black electician tape over masking tape so I could see the tape line better when I did the cut.

Once again thanks Herb. The heat gun trick did wonders and that new post of the inlaided egg gaves me some good ideas on how to hide the filler. Keep doing what your doing it is great for the rest of us.