another HWS project.

Love the nose and tail banding, nice work!!!

Thanks HIcksy.

Though they do look nice… I’m concerned that they might not be long lasting (nose/tail banding). As the board wont be enveloped in glass, it will be (more)prone to the normal swelling than the typical glass shrouded board…and thus this banding will be more prone to “popping off”. I’m hoping that the 6…8.++ layers of varnish will work well enough for one month of use (atleast) and if it works that long I might leave it “in country” after that , to see how loong it takes to “pop off” the bandings… My theory is that the “bands” willl eventually pop off ( due to wood nature to swell-suck in moisture). I wont try to make believe that a plain on glassed hws is as easy and carefree to use thanj its glassed countyer part… BUT with CAREFUL use and lost of varnish it might come close… though the weight factor will still leave it trailing behind the other… for now. :slight_smile:

Today got the first layer of Impreg1 on the bottom. Tmr will coat the second layer… then a couple days wait and on to the varnish. only 19 days left for coating! try getting 8 coats of varnish in that time… The firts coat of Impreg1 on the mahogany veneer lookes awesome! almost makes me think twice about plopping this bugger in the ocean! sorry no pix of this event. maybe tmr…

OKay… posting some last pix before I’m off to test /learn/test…

After the Impreg1 I put about 7 layers of Le Tonkinois boat Varnish. The Glossy surface look nice from a distance but mercilessly brings out all the minute mistakes. I guess its better that way If the finifhing would be likened to a grand Piano I’d have a hard time trying it out.

I never got to weight it after the final coats the scale has gone missing…

Floats on air!!! Don’t let Rubberlove see that!!!

Did you sand down between coats, that will bring it out like a grand piano…


Yeah its the air up here… gets a 10.5kg board to levitate!

The varnish… every two layers I sanded it as per instructions… well actually the instruction said after every 3 layers, but me and instructions dont always work. the varnish could be aplpied within 24 hrs (wet on wet) but if the period was longer than that, the previous layer must be lightly sanded. the surface was applied with a brush though HVLP could have been an option…(?) The pix dont show it, but the resulting surface did get lots of speckles and dots which would appear to be a result from dust particules… which yes ,I could have avoided (but alas, was too lazy).

did you eventually surf it? any pic? impressions?

I’m curious.

I’m also intrested in varnish endurance after a season.


Dave_Wave I havent surfed it yet as I’m still stuck here in Finland… not too many waves here (some yes…but not warm and those are some 300+ kms away) I will be flying out in a coupl days and THEN we’ll see… Im not sure If have the opportunity to post here while “on the road” but after July 29th I’ll be back online again (maybe) Then I’ll let y’all know what the story is/was… pix and all.

I just packed the board in bubblewrap (lotsa an lots an lots…), cardboard, camping mattress and two board bags +many rolls of duct tape… Yes I’m a Wee bit nervous… I think I’ll hit the beer tonite.

The VArnish…? Yes, I’m curious about that too… needless to say it will never be as robust as glass and I needt o handle the board with exaggerated care (I’m wishing the baggage handlers are having a ‘good’ day.) Everyone sofar has questioned my sanity as “how can you put something like that in the ocean?” ARE you nuts? (well, yes I’am. in the final running for the “village idiot of the year!” - competition. fifth year and counting.

As to surfability… I’m not sure I can say anything about that unless I manage to do my very first “pop up” on it… then It’ll be the best board ever! :wink:

I wish you good luck. for shure it will surf as it looks: awesome!!

I’m going to varnish my next wooden (wich will be my second), so I’ll ask you for tips.
