another oil spill

First Galicia and the French coast from the same spill. Then the other coast of spain from another leaking boat and now the Belgian coast and the coastline of the Netherlands, from another capsized boat. Last Friday the surf was good so I changed into my wetsuit climbed the dunes to find the shoreline of the beach completely black, dead birds on the beach and others drifting completely black from the thick oil. To bad if you mis a day of surfing but this gives a feeling wich is hard to explain. I know on this forum someone mensioned that nature wil recover, but it just su@#$ if this happens and it happens to damn much lately. If you check the recent oil spills worldwide on the greenpaece site, you might even feel sicker. What do you think of surfing in the future ? well… Peter Rijk.

The tanker that sunk in front of Spain keep on releasing about 2 tons of highly toxic oil waste each day. Each tide spreads it along spanish and french coasts. The tanker still has more than 50 000 tons left and no one knows how to stop this (its lying at depth of several miles…). This is what the coming years look like over here … Pierre

The tanker that sunk in front of Spain keep on releasing about 2 tons of > highly toxic oil waste each day. Each tide spreads it along spanish and > french coasts. The tanker still has more than 50 000 tons left and no one > knows how to stop this (its lying at depth of several miles…).>>> This is what the coming years look like over here …>>> Pierre My god you guys how much more can our eco system take… There has to be a way to control spills like this such as pumping it out!!.. We can put a man on the moon thirty years ago and we can’t even pump some oil out of a sunk tanker now??? I bet Bill Gates could find a way just with his chump change…

My god you guys how much more can our eco system take… There has to be a > way to control spills like this such as pumping it out!!.. We can put a > man on the moon thirty years ago and we can’t even pump some oil out of a > sunk tanker now???>>> I bet Bill Gates could find a way just with his chump change… Here are some fresh news from Reuters about the oil spill and its future : Rusting of Prestige to worsen oil spill disaster Wednesday, January 29, 2003 By Reuters MADRID – Thousands more tons of toxic fuel will eventually spill from the wreck of the sunken oil tanker Prestige off the Spanish coast as the ship’s hull rusts, according to a report published on Tuesday. The Prestige sank in mid-November, spewing thousands of tons of toxic sludge over Spain’s northwestern coastline. Since then the fractured hull of the tanker has continued slowly to leak fuel oil in the nation’s worst environmental disaster. The report said corrosion would mean the complete disintegration of the tanker over a period of up to 40 years. More than 50,000 tons of oil are estimated to be still inside the sunken ship’s tanks. “We can conclude that, even if the holes were completely sealed, structural deterioration (means that) … the leakage of oil from the tanks cannot be avoided,” a committee from Spain’s Scientific Investigation Center concluded. The French mini-submarine Nautile has been patching up cracks and collecting snakes of leaking oil in buckets from the hull since late December. However, Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Tuesday that scientists hoped to provide a definitive solution to the problem of the Prestige soon. “In the first fortnight of February, (scientists) will tell us what the definitive solution is, and it can be carried out in the summer,” Rajoy told Tele Cinco television. Thick, tarlike oil has been leaking from the Prestige and washing up on beaches over a large area of northern Spain and on stretches of France’s Atlantic coast since the 26-year-old tanker sank, devastating some of Spain’s prime fishing grounds. Holes in the wreck’s hull are being sealed in an attempt to keep the remaining oil in place until some kind of permanent solution can be found.