Herb, I’ve been using the Superchargers for some time now and the current swell have given me my Definitive answer to the question:‘How do they work?’ In a nutshell: They kick A#$!!! Hit Goldenwest this morning and did the comparison yet again (went out without the 'Chargers and surfed for one hour, came in, put them in and went bck out for the second hour), and found that in they did everything you said in the nice size we had today. I want to thank you for being so gracious with the gift of the Superchargers because I can tell you that I will not make a funboard or shortboard without them from now on! Question for you Herb: Is there a longboard application? If so what size does the Supercharger become? Thanks again Pal, You are the Man!!! Magoo
Yeah Magoo, I hear ya Bro. I had my Charged retro board out in some good chest high stuff yesterday and it could fly around the sections! Herb is THE MAN!!!
Herb, I’ve been using the Superchargers for some time now and the current > swell have given me my Definitive answer to the question:‘How do they > work?’ In a nutshell: They kick A#$!!! Hit Goldenwest this morning and did > the comparison yet again (went out without the ‘Chargers and surfed for > one hour, came in, put them in and went bck out for the second hour), and > found that in they did everything you said in the nice size we had today. > I want to thank you for being so gracious with the gift of the > Superchargers because I can tell you that I will not make a funboard or > shortboard without them from now on! Question for you Herb: Is there a > longboard application? If so what size does the Supercharger become? > Thanks again Pal, You are the Man!!! Magoo>>> Leo MacDonald(ret.fire capt.),and Julie are two local people that ride a couple of my longboard Superchargers . Julie’s is 9’-3" in a thruster(FCS) SET-UP with custom polypropylene chargers(what a drag sanding that melting,gooie material).Simply put,she rips!!!I see alot of guys shying away from cutting her off, because they know that she gets the board moving,fast! Leo’s surfing has improved+++ ,this is not my own opinion ask them for yourself they can be found locally(H.B.,Bolsa,Newport). I am building a 9’-1" roundpin/longboard/charger in a 2+2+1 set-up,for myself.Probabaly with the 3rd gen.tipped forward chargers,small sidefins,and a boxed(10.5") center.Herb.
Ditto. Had a great session today on the SuperChargers. You just saved me the question of applying this to the next 9’0" longboard . Will be thinking about the dimensions and getting back with questions. Thanks again for turning me on to such a valid design element. Tom>>> I am building a 9’-1" roundpin/longboard/charger in a 2+2+1 > set-up,for myself.Probabaly with the 3rd gen.tipped forward chargers,small > sidefins,and a boxed(10.5") center.Herb.
Herb, I’ve been using the Superchargers for some time now and the current > swell have given me my Definitive answer to the question:‘How do they > work?’ In a nutshell: They kick A#$!!! Hit Goldenwest this morning and did > the comparison yet again (went out without the 'Chargers and surfed for > one hour, came in, put them in and went bck out for the second hour), and > found that in they did everything you said in the nice size we had today. > I want to thank you for being so gracious with the gift of the > Superchargers because I can tell you that I will not make a funboard or > shortboard without them from now on! Question for you Herb: Is there a > longboard application? If so what size does the Supercharger become? > Thanks again Pal, You are the Man!!! Magoo Herb, Final note. I actually felt the increase in speed every time I had the 'Chargers installed. However I have been very careful not to let my enthusiasm (sp?) affect my testing. This is not a test done in controlled conditions by any means. THAT being said: I wondered how could I measure the increase in speed that the Chargers seemed to be directly correlated to? It hit me this morning while I doing yet another test: It was much smaller today than it was yesterday and everyone in the lineup was having a good time telling me how much better it got after I left yesterday (thanks guys…). There was an occasional larger set coming in and I took off fairly deep on the set wave. I again was impressed with the apparent speed increase and THAT is when I got the CAVITATION. You see, I was riding a board that has glass on fins that cavitated the first time I rode it. I took out the sandpaper and took care of the foil issue and haven’t had it since (it’s been about 10 months). Today I was riding just for speed and here it came again: CAVITATION. Trying to be as clinical as possible I took out the 'Chargers and tried to replicate the cavitation. I was not successful. So it is my humble opinion that my impression of the increased speed that the Superchargers seem to cause has been confirmed by the return of cavitation to a board that no longer had a cavitation issue after the initial fine tuning of the fin foil. Of course this begs the question: Could the Superchargers themselves be the cause of the cavitation? I didn’t have the wet/dry on me today so I will have to foil the fins at home and do yet another test with that swell that seems to be on track for Wednesday. My apologies to all students of the empirical method for my crude analysis, but I am stoked with the 'Chargers! Magoo
My apologies to all students of the empirical method for my crude > analysis, but I am stoked with the 'Chargers! Magoo,…I feel more cavation on my boards w/o the chargers in. All I can say at this point from all the critiques i’ve gotten is…THEY WORK!!!Herb.