I’d like any information on laying in graphics on surfboards. Anything would be greatly appreciated!
I’d like any information on laying in graphics on surfboards. Anything would be greatly appreciated!
What types of graphics? Logo laminates (rice paper), airbrush/spray, resin panels/graphics? There are great threads on rice paper laminates, try ‘rice paper’ in the search box for more than you would probably care to learn on the subject; for airbrush/spray, go to the advanced search and find posts by HerbSpitzer or kokua on the subject, you will find TONS of good information and solutions to problems from the threads in which they have posted on spray artwork. For resin and india ink artwork (pinlines/panels), try searching for threads that cleanlines has posted on, great info as well, and he has also posted on using ‘faux’ finishing techniques on surfboards. For india ink work, try the word ‘rapidograph’ in the search line as well.
That is a good starting point, from the search results you will find information and threads from many others I haven’t mentioned that should help you find what you need, good luck.