anyone make an s-core?

I was wondering if anyone has made one. I have seen the pictures of them broken and I figured it might be a feasible hollow board project.

I have lately been considering making a long board like an s-core. Anyone have any experience with this or anything like this?

Check out Paul Jensen’s contribution to the “chambering a regulr blank” thread:;search_string=carbon%20%20hollow;t=dev#250324

There was also a recent thread called “is an s-core worth it?” that might be worth a read…

yeah, that carbon skin looks nice on the PJ, I wonder the layup schedule on that one. seems like a strong light skin.

What are the materials in th S-core?

eps ribs or polypropylene? density?

blue board skin? xps? density? 2.2LB/CF?

lay up? carbon inside glass outside?

Are they lighter?

more suseptable to folding/breaking?

better off with a 3# eps solid?

Search the archives. This was a recent thread where the benefits, if any, of the S core boards were discussed along with a nice picture editorial of some broken ones from the North Shore. It’s all there if you take the time to search it out.