Anyone recognize this logo?

Looking for a hint on the origin of this board. On the stringer is says “Ed • 146 • Encinitas” 


Thanks for all of the help.


Yeah, it’s Ed Burke, let him use my room and showed him some techniques…but he decided to bring in some pals, a bottle of Southern Comfort, beer, install carbon fiber “torsion bands”, fin boxes, lets the resin and micro ballon mixture run out on my shaping room carpet…then get in Channin’s pet boy’s face and dare him to hit him. The next day I was told to get my key’s back from him…he just can’t help stepping on his own dick

Well maybe that reputation stuck with him. It’s hard to find anything about him now. Also, there is no date on the board. Any idea when he was shaping?


Thanks for the input!

“Channin’s pet boy”


Too funny!