Anyone remember Garbage Hole

Kinda funny that not much changes over the years, Kaneohe people still surf spots close to home like Kahana Bay; there are probably more secret spots that get good on Kona or variable conditions and are known to the locals of that area; Oahu has tons of spots; more than other islands; never caught Kahana with size or conditions but I can see the potential for a fun wave; my friends say it was a Waikiki type wave that was gentle and offered a long ride if you zig-zagged back and forth as it reformed; on a sunny,glassy day it must have been heaven; I actually caught two other mysto spots really good and they were both close to Pounders beach; will get into those on another thread we can collectively call “Mysto spots of Oahu”; theres plenty for everyone; but a spot I regret riding was the Goat Island left that my buddy Sean Ross swears was like AlaMo when the Konas blew and the north swells arrived; his family had a beach house in Laie so he caught it all during his younger years; …about Genius Jimʻs centepede bite…the welcome wagon was out for you that 1st night eh bro…hello hauole boy, chomp, have a good stay…at least you got it out of the way early…just had my 1st one a year ago and Iʻm a lifetime resident…

Alamo–You are on to something–How about some forums, from each Island , where we might have visited, or not, and to see what the surf scene was like at that time, and how it evolved–I would love to sit as a fly on the wall, and listen to these great stories–Like the SharkCountry stuff–What do you say??  I think that the Outer Island stores would be amazing–I travelled to a few, sailed to a few, and we had families going back and forth–You are good at this, and if you can find a way, Hele on–Aloha, mac   (BTW–I know at least two of the Secret Pounder’s breaks that you refer to…–One is like a mini Teahapuu–Not size wise (closes out at 6 feet), , but it sucks up, and  breaks below sea level , and it is a left–Let me know)

Thatʻs the spot; a left that sucked up below sea level and barreled for a bit; all I remember was walking north from Pounders a ways up the beach and paddling out to the reef; this was a one time shot and I never surfed it again; our intreped leader was Roy Meskar; the other spot in the same area was a gorgeous wave that broke out to sea in front of the Catholic Nun:s Seminary called Kakela; it was a Kona/variable day with an 8-10ft North swell and this beautiful wave broke out maybe 1/4 mile from shore; there was a group of us town kids crusin for a brusin on surf safari and we stumbled on this break; strange days indeed; George Downing and Mike Hynson were already surfing it; an odd couple if there ever was one; shit, was I on acid or something; nope, it really happened; I remember the day was sunny and glassy, a 180 from the usual trade wind gloom of that area; …but someone please tell us about the Goat Island left at Malaekahana during konas; word was it was really tasty;  Mac…Iʻm all for a talk story on “mysto breaks of Hawaii”; this could go on for a while, there are so many; if no bold soul [maybe you!!] starts the thread we can just carry on right here; hereʻs a good one…Kaimu [Beach]…Kalapana, Big Island…Before Pele decided to take it back this was home to one of the closest, friendliest group of surfers on the B.I.; they had such a killer hangout and some fun breaks and seeing their little world made me sooo happy; unfortunately, like Garbage Hole, Kaimu is Pau…a hui hou…Kapalulu