Had a guy who I have purchased several skil’s from email about a rockwell for sale - mines collecting dust, don’t really need another one - do you?
anything you guys think it does better than an uncut skill ( ok I guess this is where Jim P. is going to describe the merits of a spiral blade on balsa- maybe thats why I’ve kept mine all these years!)
If the Skil 100 is a classic chevy, the Rockwell/Porter Cable 653 is a Rolls. Heft, feel, sound, just a better machine. Downside is of course the weight when using on anything but longboards and wood. Like you, can’t seem to part with one, or for that matter, since I now have three, can’t seem to turn down a nice one when it comes along. Even got a few of the old Rockwell power block planes - ever use one?
Yep, I like mine. Spiral blade is smoother, the general feel is better, and I broke in with Skils. And power… set it to max depth in oak and it just keeps chugging along.
How much does the guy want for the Rockwell, anyhow?
I love those planers. I collect all the old electric metal planes I can find.Right now I have over 20 of them.I have a cherry Rockwell for sale on Ebay right now as I am getting rid of duplicates.I am looking for an old Maul Planer…the ultimate monster,makes the rest look like toys.Thirty pounds 18 Amps…scary as heck.
I still like the feel of my Skil’s on wood boards, the balance and adjustment are great, but I seldom have to take big cuts. I try to cut and glue my blanks even and clean enough that I need only minor planing to get it where I want it, I’m too old for all that bull work