Anyone surfed Punta Camalu?

south of Colonet?




Si, es muy bueno!

been to it many , many times, in all seasons, but yet to surf’s one of those places that needs to have direction just right, along with some size.i have some great photos of it at 2’ and looking real neat…i know it happens, i just haven’t had the luck of others…

Yup been there many times… Shipwrecks can be really really great with the right swell and I have had it good a couple of times, Quatro Casas to the north is a better bet for catching some waves but mostly too zoo out for me though. There are places to rent at Quatro Casas. There are other breaks inbetween the two that can be quite good as well…s_display.php?id=508

Maybe I just bring bad surf, but I’ve driven that stretch maybe 5 times, and it never seems anything close to the S or W of GNegro area, maybe because I can’t co incide a huge swell with my travel plans.

But I’ve been to some other more protected points S and gotten overhead surf that was supposed to happen once a year, just not there.

thanks everyone!

my map says about 150 miles from the border. is this correct?

how many hours “should” that take?



Wouldn’t “should” vary depending on your driving speed, toll road or free, where you stop, how many TJ and Ensenada city cops check you out, how good your offroad capabilities of your car at STomas, how friendly Camalu check if you go that way, and how much time you spend in Man TCard check…

Cross border at dawn, SantaTomas somewhere 2.5 to 4 hours, then bump to coast…


Yup been there many times… Shipwrecks can be really really great with the right swell and I have had it good a couple of times, Quatro Casas to the north is a better bet for catching some waves but mostly too zoo out for me though. There are places to rent at Quatro Casas. There are other breaks inbetween the two that can be quite good as well…s_display.php?id=508

Be careful of the bandidos amigo. Lot’s of desperation in that area… keep yer’ eyes and ears out at all times. A farm co-op went belly up quite a few years back and left many displaced and hungry people in that area.

Used to surf and camp there(Shipwrecks) in the late sixties when it was called ‘Rincon de Baja’… long before the captain of the beached boat made a wrong turn… that must have been an exciting night! Long before walled compounds and houses at Cuatro Casas.

I’ve windsurfed Camalu Pt. proper(which you can see from the highway south of town) but never thought of it as a destination surfing spot… area to the north has spots… as mentioned… it’s a little too close to civilization for my tastes. The farther you can get off the Transpeninsular Hwy, the better. I always feel as if I’m not ‘safe’ until I’m below El Rosario and many miles from the highway.

Buena Suerte Wolffo

If you have dog or two bring them along. Bandido’s hate dogs. If it hadn’t been for Hank, me and the friends I was camping with at a point some miles north of Camalu would have likely been robbed. Hank is the friendliest dog in the world but take him to Mexico and he goes into macho guard dog mode especially at night. He has Knack for sensing danger I guess.


Or act really crazy, way outta line…

Camping at LaBocana lighthouse, we got checked by two cars, total of 9 unfriendlies. Couldn’t get rid of them, for the life of us. They’d hang and hang, until I started eating canned cornbeef hash.

Sliced the top off with my machete, took a “drink” right from the can, and offerred it to one of the boyz.

They looked at each other…

Aaron was cooking some soup on the Coleman, just started sipping from the steaming pot, with that crazy smile of his.

They looked at each other…

Preston grossed us out by peeing into a cup he had been drinking from…

They slowly backed towards their cars and didn’t come by for 3 weeks, when another group of Americans showed up…as we were leaving.

Obviously, they kept track of who and how many went thru the town, and noted easy, maybe, or hard pickins.

We warned the surfer’s who arrived, but they were dead set on staying…we left for home, never found out how they fared.